Friday, November 16, 2007

Drug- and Alcohol-Related Sleep Problems

Another bit of sound advice to supplement my previous posts on the vital topic of SLEEP...(Jacques)

Sleep problems have been associated with drug use, drug abuse and withdrawal from drug abuse. Sleep disturbances also have been linked to the use of alcohol and to chronic alcoholism.

Drugs and Sleep

Many prescription and nonprescription medications can cause sleep problems. The severity of sleep problems caused by a medication will vary from person to person.

Prescription drugs that may cause sleep problems include:

High blood pressure medications
Hormones such as oral contraceptives
Steroids including prednisone
Respiratory inhaled medications
Diet pills
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder medications
Some antidepressants

Nonprescription medicines that can cause sleep problems include:

Pseudoephedrine, including the brand Sudafed
Medications with caffeine. These include the brands Anacin, Excedrin, and No-Doz as well as some cough and cold medications.
Illegal drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamines.
Nicotine, which can disrupt sleep and reduce total sleep time. (Smokers report more daytime sleepiness than do nonsmokers, especially in younger age groups.)

Alcohol and Sleep

Alcohol often is thought of as a sedative or calming drug. While alcohol may induce sleep, the quality of sleep is often fragmented during the second half of the sleep period when the alcohol's relaxing effect wears off. As a result, alcohol induced sleep prevents you from getting the deep sleep you need since alcohol keeps you in the lighter stages of sleep.

(Reviewed by The Sleep Medicine Center at The Cleveland Clinic.)

Have a restful weekend!



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