Monday, March 10, 2008

Peanuts OK for Your Waist

High-Calorie Snack That’s OK for Your Waist

If you love nuts as much as a backyard squirrel does, but you're caught up by your calorie-counting conscience, relax. And read on . . .

Peanuts may be one high-calorie treat that doesn’t do serious damage to your weight or your waistline.

Say Hi to Mr. Peanut

In a recent small study where people were given a daily snack of peanuts,researchers were surprised to find that no one’s weight changed significantly after many weeks, despite the extra calories. Why? Seems peanuts fill you up (thanks to the fiber, protein, and healthy monounsaturated fats) but don't necessarily fatten you up, because the fat and calories in the nuts aren't completely absorbed by your gut. Now, if only Girl Scout cookies worked the same way. (Here's something else peanuts can do for you.)

Lost in Digestion

More good news about peanuts: We may burn off the fats in them better than we burn off the fats in potato chips or cookies. Our bodies break down the monounsaturated fats in peanuts and convert them into energy more easily than saturated fats. (Here's another kind of oil that can help you burn fat better.)

So go ahead -- unleash your inner squirrel. Just limit your daily dips in the peanut dish to 1-ounce servings (about 30 peanuts). They’re not made of air, after all.

Can peanuts be addictive? Find out here.
RealAge Benefit: Eating a low-fat diet -- and eating healthful unsaturated fats when you do eat fat -- can make your RealAge as much as 6 years younger.

References Published on 03/10/2008.
Effects of chronic peanut consumption on energy balance and hedonics. Alper, C. M., Mattes, R. D., International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 2002 Aug;26(8):1129-1137.


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