Saturday, November 29, 2008

Large Amounts of Fruit May Not Be Healthy

The editorial linked below appeared in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It traces the rise in fructose consumption, and the rise in chronic diseases that have come in its wake.

Fructose is a simple sugar found in honey, fruit, table sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Because of the increase in the consumption of these sweeteners, fructose intake worldwide has quadrupled since the early 1900s.

Over the past three decades, there has been an even greater acceleration in consumption, in part because of the introduction of HFCS. The increase in fructose consumption parallels the rise in obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease.

Studies in animals have shown that fructose can induce insulin resistance, elevated triglycerides, abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, microvascular disease, hyperuricemia, glomerular hypertension and renal injury, and fatty liver. The consumption of large amounts of dietary fructose also can rapidly induce insulin resistance.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November 2008, 88(5): 1189-1190

(and brought to our attention by Dr. Mercola)

JACQUES' remarks:

Another in many "Experts' Advice, Recommendatiions, die-hard Rules, etc." corrective "Ooooops!"-like retractions, modifications, etc. which deny, contradict, reverse and generally render their previous earth-shattering revelations a hoax, which have even shown to be toxic or lethal ones on occasions! :(

From time to time I feel compelled to bring these to your attention, in keeping with my own raised eyebrow approach to much of what the "All-Knowing (or is it Know-It-All?---LOL) "Experts" like to pontificate to whoever shall listen to and believe in their "carved in stone Truths"---to you and me who, after all, represent a seemingly endless and convenient supply of FREE and willing Lab rats who have usually gone along with, adopted and followed their lead...

...And, when the latter proved erroneous, it was a "no skin off their nose" no-fault goof which a simple retraction would make go sticking their heads in the sands of life - ostrich-like...waiting for the enbarrassing clouds overhead to disappear...

So, today, as usual...I chose to kick the turned up asses of these real "OZ"es.

Have a Great weekend! And my apologies for failing to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving,(I'll tell you why at another time)... I hope was a wonderful one for you and yours!

Your Friend in Welleness,



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