Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When not to drink water and why low fat is bad

Here's the deal... low fat diets SUCK!

Look, if you're on a low fat diet that pretty much means that you're actually on a high carb diet. Carbs are worse because most of the carbs people get are simple carbs that spike blood sugar levels... leaving you eating more just to feel filled up.

AND... you're going to get hungry a lot faster from a carb dominant meal than you would from a meal that has a lot of fat in it.

Here's something you probably didn't know. More than 70% of the dry weight of your brain is made up of fat. Your brain needs fat in your diet to help repair and maintain BILLIONS of cells while creating neurotransmitters.

The best fat for your brain cells and weight loss is DHA... an Omega 3 fat. You can find it in salmon, tuna, and fish oil pills.

Moving along... there actually is a time not to drink water or any other liquid. That time is while you're eating. Drink either 5 minutes before or 5 minutes after your meal... or both.

Your mouth and esophagus produce a lot of digestive enzymes in your saliva when breaking down the foods you're eating. If you drink something while eating, you're just diluting those enzymes out... rendering them useless.

The older you get, the less enzymes you naturally produce. So keep this in mind while eating.

Regardless, if you want less constipation, more nutrition (from proper digestion), and a more efficient ability to lose weight, then stop drinking anything with your meals.

Courtesy: Jennifer Jolan


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