Friday, October 23, 2009

FFFF (Frighteningly Fat Fall Foods)

When the temperature starts to dip, many of us turn to rich fall foods – perfect for football games, hayrides, cozy fireside meals, and, if we aren't careful, weight gain. Take a look at some of fall's most fattening foods. Find tips on how to avoid or improve them so you can make it to Thanksgiving without gaining a pound.

Game-Day Grub
Game-day favorites – chips, nachos, hot dogs, pizza, wings, ribs, and beer – spoil many diets. If you're a sports fan, you may be glued to the couch for hours every week. Try these tips:

Do some push-ups, sit-ups, or jumping jacks during halftime or commercials.
Watch the game while you pedal your stationary bike.
Serve veggies and low-fat dip as part of your spread.

Oktoberfest Fare
Oktoberfest celebrates fall with calorie-laden beer, sausages, and potato salads. Two weight-saving tips:

Eat smaller portions.
Decide how many alcoholic drinks you’re going to have beforehand, then alternate them with nonalcoholic beverages.
One 12-ounce regular beer has 150 calories. Make it a light beer and you'll trim 40 calories.

Cream Soups and Hearty Stews
Cream of potato soup, broccoli cheese soup, and beef stroganoff may seem like perfect fall foods, but beware. Warm soups and stews that are loaded with cream, cheese, or meat are also loaded with calories. If you serve them in a bread bowl or atop rice or noodles, you add even more calories. Tip:

Choose broth-based and vegetable-based soups and stews to fill you up for fewer calories.

Seasonal Beverages
Fall drinks – hot chocolate, pumpkin-spice lattes, eggnog, apple cider, and hot toddies – are a quick and easy way to take in lots of extra calories. A cup of homemade hot cocoa (without whipped cream) has 190 calories. One 8-oz cup of eggnog packs 340 calories. Tips:

Try a hot cup of green or flavored tea, rich with antioxidants and calorie-free.
Opt for light beer or wine spritzers, and limit yourself to one or two.

Carmel Apples
An afternoon snack of apples with a thick layer of caramel and nuts can total more than 500 calories. Tip:

Enjoy crisp apple slices with a small container of low-fat caramel dip for the same great taste -- with a fraction of the fat and calories.

Halloween Candy – Frightening!
October brings bowls of candy bars at the office – and tempting bags of candy at home awaiting trick-or-treaters. It's easy to get enticed by those bite-size candies. But few of us can have just one. Tips:

Stash sweets out of sight.
Satisfy your midday hunger pangs with something nutritious, like fruit.
If you crave something sweet, chew a piece of sugarless gum.

Macaroni and Cheese
Mac and cheese is a favorite comfort food for both kids and adults. But it can wreak havoc with your diet. One cup can pack 300 to 400 calories, depending on the brand. Add sausage or ham and it's even more fattening. Tips:

Modify the recipe by using a low-fat cheese and milk.
Substitute veggies for meat to get more nutrition.
It'll still taste great!

Root Vegetables with Added Fat
Roots like yams and sweet potatoes are super-nutritious, but you quadruple the calories when you mix them with cheese, cream, butter, canned soups, or crispy bacon. A sweet potato casserole can easily have 500 calories per serving -- 400 more than a simple roasted sweet potato. Tips:

Shave calories by eating root veggies oven-roasted or grilled.
If you must have mashed potatoes, skip the gravy and eat just 1/2 cup.

Most stuffing contains high-fat ingredients such as sausage and butter. With gravy, stuffing is diet nightmare. Tips:

Make a low-fat stuffing using fruits, vegetables, and stock.
Keep the portion small, and try to resist smothering it in gravy.
Chew slowly to enjoy each mouthful and allow your brain time to get the signal that you are full.

Apple, Pecan, Sweet Potato Pies
These fall favorites start with healthy ingredients such as nuts or fruits and vegetables. But once you add buttery pie crusts, sweet fillings, and whipped cream or ice cream topping, you have decadent pies full of calories. Tips:

Skip the crust.
Add a dollop of light whipped topping.
Serve yourself only a sliver to enjoy these desserts without lots of extra calories.

Pumpkin Desserts
Pumpkin layer cake, cheesecake, bread pudding. There are many ways to turn vitamin A-rich pumpkin into a rich dessert. Be careful: If you add tons of cream and sugar, you negate the health benefits of pumpkin. Tip:

Try crustless, low-fat pumpkin custard, or low-fat pumpkin muffins.
Enjoy the pumpkin without sabotaging your waistline.

All Things in Moderation
All it takes is an extra 100 calories per day to pack on 10 pounds a year. The best strategy for your health is to avoid weight creep altogether. You can enjoy comfort foods, but you have to do so in moderation.

Put candy bowls out of sight.
Check your portion sizes.
Limit alcohol.
Use low-fat cooking techniques and substitutions.
Stay active and exercise regularly.
More Reading on Healthy Eating
Super-Fast & Easy Appetizer Recipes
Pizza Made Healthier
Help for Soda Lovers
Video: The Truth About Alcohol
Beginner's Guide to Exercise
Tool: Food Calorie Calculator
Video: Healthy Holiday Foods & Recipes

Courtesy: newsletter


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