Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Shed 45 Pounds in 45 Seconds

By Al Sears, M.D.

FREE weight loss report: "45 Pounds in 45 Seconds"
• Shed 68 pounds of fat
• Built 14 pounds of new muscle
• Raised HDL (good cholesterol) by over 33%
• Lowered Triglycerides (blood fat) by over 36%
...just from walking for 45 seconds, then resting.
It flies in the face of everything you’ve been told about exercise and weight reduction. What about doing hours of cardio? What about jumping around in aerobics class and sweatin’ to the oldies?
Terri is proof that you don’t need aerobics and cardio. You never did.

45 Pounds in 45 Seconds
One Woman’s Journey to Miraculous Weight Loss
By Al Sears, M.D.

When Terri first came into my office, she thought losing weight was hopeless.
Terri had begun her weight-loss journey several years ago, when her weight started creeping toward the 200-pound mark. But instead of losing weight, she just kept packing on the pounds. By the time she made it to my office, she weighed 250 pounds.

During her first visit, she ran down a list of routines and diets she had tried: pilates classes, gym memberships, cycling, swimming, fast walking, colon cleansing, weight-loss supplements, high-carb diets, low-carb diets, cabbage soup diets… all with no results.

So I told Terri, she didn’t need to exercise for more than 12 minutes.
In fact, she could ease into it by walking at her own pace, then resting for as long as she needed … then repeating the routine three more times.
To help her burn fat more effectively, I also suggested she limit her carbohydrate intake and increase the amount of protein in her diet.

Needless to say, Terri was skeptical. After spending countless hours in the gym … miles on her bicycle … and years of on-again, off-again dieting, she didn’t believe that 12 minutes of exercise each day could have much effect on her weight.

That was on January 16, 2009.
Today, Terri weighs 195 and has gone from a size 20 to a size 16.
"The crazy thing about it is that it’s not hard," she said. "If you just do it and stick with it, you’ll start seeing a difference in two weeks."

Here’s Terri’s story…
A Visible Change in Only One Month

"Before discovering PACE," Terri said, "Everything took so much effort. Just the simple things – like getting up and down from sitting, or stooping to pick something up – were a chore."
When Terri went to her local mall, the extra walking would trigger lower back pain and leave her fatigued. When she went to the beach, she would feel exhausted just from carrying her beach
chair a quarter mile from the parking lot to the shoreline. When she got out of the car or off the couch, she would strain and hold her breath as she rallied to get up.

"Something had to change, so I followed Dr. Sears’ advice. And I can’t tell you how surprised I was! Within just a few weeks, I started seeing a difference… I felt stronger and had more pep in my step," she shared.

When Terri returned to my office for her second visit on February 18, 2009, the changes in her were already evident. In only four weeks, Terri had lost 14 pounds of body fat. Plus, she was bursting with energy and excitement.
"I’m ecstatic," she gushed. "Finally, something is working! It’s only the second week, and my clothes are already getting looser… the inches just seem to be melting off. I’ve never seen anything work like this in my life."

Not only was Terri shedding pounds and inches, she also noticed that she was moving around more easily, her energy levels had skyrocketed, and she was sleeping much better.
Once Terri saw the results, she agreed to participate in a long-term PACE study. So I brought in one of my PACE-certified trainers, Coach Scott Wood, to work with her.

Discover a New Body by Walking 45 Seconds
When Scott started working with Terri, he added the progressive element of PACE by challenging her to increase her exertion levels. So, he began by having her walk quickly uphill for 45 seconds, then rest.
"At first" she shared, "I had absolutely no control over my breathing. I know 45 seconds doesn’t sound like a very long time, but by the time I stopped to rest, I would be panting like crazy. And it would take forever to recover."

After her first week of walking for 45 seconds followed by rest, we progressively increased the challenge even further by incorporating a 1-minute uphill run.
We also added alternating lunges to her routine, and she would do 10 of them on her way back down the hill. The lunges are important, because they build muscle mass in your largest muscle groups, particularly the leg muscles. When these muscles are strong, they make performing every-day, physical activities less challenging. Plus, the more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns.

On Terri’s next weigh-in, she was thrilled once again. She had lost a total of 27 pounds of body fat since her first visit to my office in January. "But it’s not the pounds," she reiterates. "It’s the inches. All of my clothes are hanging on me, and I’m starting to see some curves. Who ever would have thought a 45-second walk would change my life so much?"
"That’s the nice thing about PACE
," she says now. "It’s not intimidating. It’s not scary. You only have to exercise for a minute or so at a time… it’s just so doable!"

(To be continued in our next post...)


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