Friday, March 09, 2007

The ETHER (a story from the Kabbala)

An ancient tale from the Kabbala best illustrates and simplifies a possible answer for this perpetual dilemma of ‘deja-vu’ which has puzzled generations…

Three-year-old Moyshele looked with anticipation to the turn of the road traveled daily by his older brother Chaim …This was late afternoon and Chaim was due to return home from the Yeshiva (Rabbinical Hebrew School)...

Moyshele always greeted him with an eager "What did you learn today?"... Chaim’s answers helped him make up for the fact that he was still considered too young to attend Yeshiva classes…

Chaim had a knack for posing insightful questions to the Rabbi… causing the conscientious teacher to search through the Scriptures...Torah..Kabbala...often for hours... Much to the delight and appreciation of all the students who, then, could play while their Master was seeking gems of ageless Wisdom…

One particular day, Chaim’s question was so deep and complex that it actually took the Rabbi the entire day to find an acceptable answer...He explained away his marathon investigations by simply stating to his flock that "the study of the Torah may be very hard, but is truly fulfilling!"

That afternoon, as Moyshele greeted his brother, the latter bragged about the difficulty of his daily question… When Moyshele asked "What was the question?" and Chaim told him...almost instantly, without much thought, Moyshele responded with an answer that was identical to that found by his scholarly Teacher!...

Amazed, he took his little genius of a brother in his arms and carried him home…

The next day, Chaim proudly bragged about Moyshele’s feat to the entire class. He then "rubbed it in" to the Rabbi and asked, "How come that it took you, who are a respected Scholar and Expert in Biblical studies, an entire day to come up with the exact same answer that my little three-year-old broher knew instantly, Rabbi?"…

Without any defensiveness or excuse-making, the Rabbi simply replied: "You see, my dear Chaim, there is such a thing as "the ETHER " in God’s Universe...It is an invisible area of the firmament above, into which every thought, every idea, every event, every discovery that ever occurred or was created in any field throughout the World since Time Immemorial is entered…

Here, the "gem" is filed..saved and becomes instantly available to any one of us who sincerely and humbly seeks it!...This is how, as I was privileged to find the answer to your perplexing question yesterday, after much seeking…it went straight into Heaven’s Library..the "Ethereal reservoir"…where Moyshele was able to find it instantly!..."

I thought of sharing this old traditional story with you, as a follow-up and charming illustration to my previous mention of the fact that, "if bits and pieces of what I am and shall be sharing with you 'sound familiar' to you: GREAT!"...Echoes of the past... so, enjoy...absorb...benefit! ...and Have a Great weekend!

Your Friend,
