Thursday, May 24, 2007

A TV Commercial worth noting...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

...was aired repeatedly in March, 2006 and beyond, that sent out a frighteningly accurate message…delightfully presented by three cute 4-6-year-old children: a darling little Afro-American girl..a handsome young Latino boy and an adoable Caucasian little lady…

It opened with our Black doll looking up at the camera and sweetly, but firmly asking, ‘MOM! Can I have some FAT?’…followed by the boy asking his Mom for some SUGAR…the white child requesting GREASE…and the boy now pleading for PROCESSED JUNK FOOD…

Next, the Black child charmingly presses on ‘PLEASE! ...Pretty PLEASE, Mom!..Buy me some OBESITY!’ …followed by our young man asking for ‘A SHORTER LIFE’…and the pretty White child begging for DIABETES.

The little African-American girl makes an irrestistible face as she concludes this presentation with a heart-melting, eyelash-fluttering, engaging big-eyed-look...reinforced by a honey-voiced, flirtatious ‘I PROMISE I’ll be GOO-OOD!’…

TIME TO WAKE UP to today’s unpleasant, BRUTAL REALITIES, folks!...And let us not allow DAD, UNCLE, AUNT, COUSIN, Family FRIEND, etc.,etc. to escape the contributory culpabilities of the above-illustrated roles… WE ALL play them as ‘Facilitators’…as ‘Enablers’…as ‘Appeasers’…as ‘Blackmailers’ (“If you don’t finish your dinner, you won’t be getting any dessert!”) who use hard candy, sugars, chocolate bars, ice cream, cookies, greasy chips and more as substitutes for our inability or unwillingness to discharge our disciplining, guiding RESPONSIBILITIES to guide and discipline as Parents and Adult role-models.

I am referring to teaching to our children BY PERSONAL
EXAMPLES of loving firmness that they, as imminent members of our World Society have MANY Behavioral ‘DUTIES’ and Obligations (including to themselves and in deference for the need of a healthy body…)…And that these ‘Expected’ Actions rank amongst the vast lists of POSITIVES whose FULFILLMENTS Are their own REWARDS!...

EARNED Pride of Accomplishment…Increased Self-Approval, Self-Liking, Self-Respect and Much More … NOT Synthetic, Veneer ‘Easy Way Out’ tactics used by either acknowledging or bribing, using the KILLERS of Well-Being, Fitness, Good Health and appearance mentioned above.

This dangerously crass syndrome is NOT YOUR fault. You observed it – thus, feel comfortable in perpetuating it – while YOU were the children we are now discussing… Sweets, Chocolates, Candies…a wide array of treats have been a generation-to-generation Parents’ way to ‘buy’ the affection and ‘proper behavior’ of children…

The DIFFERENCE is that, ‘THEN’…All the processed, chemically toxic, fattening foods and beverages (just Think of the mega-spoonfuls of SUGAR contained in each can of today’s SODAS, just to mention one!) …

Sedentary lifestyle (couch potatoes…a TV-and-electronic games-addicted youth culture…riding cars or sitting at an increasingly younger age, instead of riding their bikes or walking and running)…and many other elements which contribute to excess weight, fat and inches…Plus many resulting diseases… either DID NOT EXIST or only did in MINOR WAYS of little consequence.

PLEASE give this ‘dissertation’ your SERIOUS and SINCERE consideration…for the sake of your ‘SMALL FRIES’’s future Well-being and Life!.. Thank you! (J.G.)

Another TV commercial depicts a handsome Latino child licking an ice cream cone...downing a cream-filled pastry…chocolates, etc…a happy-faced chubby little couch potato…watching TV while endlessly eating sweets…greasy chips and guzzling down sodas…

…while a man’s voice-over tells us that it is ‘him’ speaking…saying : “ I always thought that my eating problems started in High School…but, looking back, I realized they started long before, when I was a small kid…”

...and, all along, I looked healthy but found out too late that the foods I ate sure weren’t!...I thought I was eating healthy, normal things like everybody else I know did ... You know!: a little this...a little that…

My parents would say: “it’s only an ice cream’…or ‘a few cookies’…or ‘just a few chips’…or ‘a soft drink’…’a donut’…and, before you know it…I was type 2 diabetes… And now, my Doctor tells me I also have heart problems and my life could be cut short…”

He (the adult voice) appealed to all the viewing parents, families and other adults to become responsible role-models and loving, aware, yet firm ‘food and drink watchdogs’ instead of permissive and, worse yet, force-feeders…to give their children a fair chance to grow up healthy and as disease-free as humanly possible…

…and yet Another P.S.A.…

A young child is sitting at the kitchen table…Mommy hovering over him, giving him various types of junk food…

(Male Voice/Over:) ‘It ISN’T the few cookies…sugary drinks… french fries…burgers…ice cream…candy bars…It IS obesity..type 2 diabetes…heart disease… years shaved off his life…It’s All in YOUR hands!...


At the risk of seeming to put a damper on the fairly hopeful effects of TV commercials such asd those reported above…

...It is ESSENTIAL for all parents to know that, besides the ‘foods-and-sugary-beverages’ on trial, just as dangerous is the fact that about ALL children have become fixtures…immobilized in front of the TV for hours on end!

You tell them ‘not to speak to strangers’ in an attempt to protect them from harm…yet, the two elements just mentioned are major contributors to the dangers of advanced and spreading Child Obesity, recent clinical studies have found…(And, while we’re on the subject, the adolescents and adults in the family ought to include themselves into the ominous picture as well!).

Besides the lack of physical activity inherent in addictive TV gazing (except that of the jaws, as salty chips, greasy, sugary, junk foods are automatically being stuffed in)…

The mere fact that TV commercials abound in effective psychologically-devised ‘brain washing’ pitches for a wide variety of (appetizing looking and sounding) fattening, mega-calories-and cholesterol-laden munchies of all sorts.

Hamburgers…fried chicken… chips …fries...candies and sugary sweets of every denomination are amongst the culprits in this frightening equation.

Worse yet: the latter are often viewed as 'snacks' by neurotically hungry or starving individuals. And that is only what is consumed to make 'waiting for meal time’ more bearable for them. Then comes the "real meal": oftentimes another family exercise, or orgy in gluttony and gobbling down poorly chewed quantities of...

Wishing you and yours a Healthy, Safe and Fun Labor Day weekend!

Also, take a look at the “real” Internet Income program we are enjoying part-time.

Your Friend,

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