Friday, September 21, 2007

I'M PAAAAA--ACK! (Complete with "his" accent!) :o)

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me."
Ann Landers

Happy First of Fall to you All!

Returned home late afternoon yesterday, after several
shopping stops for freah fruits and vegetables mainly.
(Since "they" were going to place and keep me on a
strict liquid diet: NOTHING non-transparent, even soup)
and I wasn't told "when" I would return to soft, then "regular"
foods, I had planned to, and did, consume all perishables
in my refrigerator before surgery---leaving it pretty empty).

As it turned out, after a few days in a hell hole (Scripps
Memorial Hospital in Chula Vista), I was transferred to
Castle Manor Convalescent facility, where I spent a month
TWO years ago (how time flies!) after my right shoulder
was broken.

By contrast to the above, here, old and new personnel
treated me royally. It was like visiting close, caring
relatives who always greet you cheerfully and can't do
enough to pamper you to wellness.

About my colon's cancerous tumor: it was removed on 9/4
together with some 25 lymph nodes and a chunk of the
ascending right section of my colon in whose center was
the tumor. The technique was (I did not master its proper
appellation) two 'holes' in the upper left side of my tummy,
and a larger semi-circle around my belly button. Amazing!
Guess my Surgeon was concerned about moi and the bikini
season! LOL

At any rate, not only did I survive, but both my Surgeon and
the Physician who first discovered the tumor during my
recent colonoscopy attribute the fact that, after three days
of waiting anxiously for the lab. tests results, all lymph
glands showed "negative", and the tumor was just a "stage B-2" incredible relief and "blessing'...a virtual "second chance"
at Life for me...

...both Doctors stated that practicing my deep self-hypnotic
"Modulations" 2-3 times daily (similar to those I had used
about 30 years ago to get rid of a goose-egg-sized-tumor
on my right lung and, as an extra "bonus" extensive tar
deposits from my prior heavy smoking days vanished as shown on the X-Ray I "stole", taken 13 days after
I started my mental regimen) must have had a definite
positive effect in keeping the cancer from spreading to
my lymph nodes...for which I am eminently grateful!

To their unusual acknowledgements (for Physicians who
"used to" shy away from believeing in or crediting self-
hypnosis or hypnosis for curative dynamics), and agreement
with their observations, I hereby also wish to express my
heartfelt Thanks to those of you who provided additional
supportive energies you sent my way:

* Rabbi Polichenco's special prayers;
* Paty B. for her loving messages and cards;
* Sheri N., Maria C.V., Jose Jacq., Stephen and Stormey,
Gil P., Edna P., my cousins Lenny and Lou, Jeff and Sheryl,
Pat H., Sacha B....for your kind words, cards and wishes...;
* Brennan S. for your inspired/inspiring messages;
* Rob H., Emilia C., Bennette K., Carmen B. for your visits,
comforting cheers and fun gifts;
* Rita deG. for your "Up" emails, cards and telephone call
all the way from Canada...
* And a Special accolade to my Good Friend Efren M.,
who drove me to the Hospital on the 4th., picked me up
and returned me here, shopped with me, visited me just
about daily, brought me items I needed , and invited me
to a unique concert by a singer/composer (American father,
Spanish mother) who moved to Mexico about 30 years ago:
Betsy Pecanins...Excellent concert at CECUT: Tijuana's
Cultural Center and Museum...classical Mexican and
Ranchera music...fusioned with old Jazz, Swing, Blues
(1920s & 30s era Ellingtonian++)...performed brilliantly by
the "Orquesta de Baja California", conducted by an
American, Jeff Nevin.

...THANK YOU ALL for your contributions to my getting over
the hurdles and aiding my fast recovery!

Food: within a week from the surgery, my Surgeon ordered
me switched to "Regular Diet" (I even got him to O.K. non-
alcoholic beer with lunch and dinner!);

(Occupational and Physical): During the two days
preceding my discharge, they gave me advanced tests to
check my equilibrium and balance and found that the latter
were too simplistic for me, as I earned a near-perfect score
in both areas...

Again, the synergistic effects of Self-Hypnosis and outside
support are to be credited...

Finally, those of you who sent me emails efter 9/4 until this
morning must know that, while the new Administrator at the
Convalescent Hospital agreed to let me use his laptop to
read my emails, he had to constantly take it out of the
building with him to use in making,
actually, I did not find your emails until just a while ago,
and some still need reading---Thanks anyway for staying
in touch.

Speaking of which: please stay in touch if/when you wish/
can...My list of "personal. close friends" must not have been
Sanforized, as it shrunk: I deleted all who enjoyed hearing
themselves read/hear their claims of friendship, but proved hard feelings...just an overdue readjustment.

So, you now belong to my "elite group", if it matters to you.
I honor, greet, thank and hug you. And, I am grateful to be



"When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude." (Elie Wiesel)


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