Thursday, December 13, 2007


Healing Duality

Adapted from The Way of the Wizard by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 1995).

There are two paths in life.
The first path is the acceptance that duality is real, that the good and evil we confront every day are simply fact, and we must do our best to struggle against them.
The second path is to see duality as our choice. Although everything in creation appears to have its opposite, one thing doesn't: Wholeness. The totality of spirit has no opposite because it embraces everything.
To choose the second path, you have to be willing to renounce your struggle against evil. This is the way of the wizard.

There is no doubt that when we see evil we react with fear and anger. From this reaction struggle is born, and because people want evil to go away, the struggle seems to be legitimate. But what if fear and anger are the cause of evil? What if our reactions keep breeding the same cycle, which never ends? With these questions, the second way was born.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: You cannot renounce the duality of good and evil as long as that is what you experience. A deeper experience, one that is beyond words, must replace it. Wholeness and spirit are only words until they become real to you personally.

Reality always means experience; therefore the question is how to experience the realm of light that Merlin spoke of. "Be patient with yourself. The fading away of duality takes time," Merlin said. "And then unity will be born automatically."

Because spirit is always beckoning, there are countless opportunities to come into contact with it. The first steps have already been marked out—be willing to follow the clues of spirit, meditate to find the pure silence within yourself, know that the goal of spirit is true and worth pursuing.

Our free will is what allows us to break out of the cycle of good and evil. The way of the wizard is compassionate, because it solves the problem of suffering as the light of spirit draws nearer.

(I am awaiting Dr. Chopra's permission to repring the above. (S) Jacques)


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