Monday, January 28, 2008

More tips about Comfortably Making Changes...

Hello, my dear Friends...

It is an accepted known truth that CHANGE and CHANGING can send chills down your spine, when challenged to do so.

I wanted to share with you a few simple hints today on how you can approach this seemingly threatening steel wall...harness, overcome and easily transcend it.

We are, of course, talking about How To Change your Attitude, Lifestyle, eating and related Habits in order to find firm support in your quest to shed those excess pounds of fat, flab, fluids and inches.

One amongst many ways to approach this topic of major concern to millions of "Large" and obese seekers is to acknowledge Why we like, love, crave VS. Don't like, etc. various foods or drinks.

A big influencing, habit forming issue involves smell, taste, after-taste, texture and, most importantly, associative imagery and memory of eating/drinking experiences.

As I have mentioned on several occasions throughout this Blog: during my S.L.I.M. For Life Trainings' Modulations (deep self-hypnotic sessions), you access your sub-conscious dimensions.

This is when and where your Guided Imagery exercises, your repetitiously picturing and feeling your "New You": your ultimate weight and sizes goal gradually and automatically trigger CHANGES in your eating and drinking Habits.

As well as in Which foods and drinks you truly crave and desire. Surprising;y enough, you find yourself being less and less interested in those that you used to pig out on...that caused you to gain all that excess weight and may also find yourself wondering "what was the attraction"?...

It's like waking up one morning, taking a hard look at your mate and asking yourself what you ever saw in him/her?

In THIS instance, however, it all happens slowly, gradually, step-by-step...without your even being conscious or aware of the you thrill at them and rejoice at the Positiveness which your Physical Changes have produced to your Emotional, Self-Image, Self-Respect, Self-Acceptance, Self-Pride, Inner Security and Many More Inner Strengths.

And, if you are not quite "ready" to benefit from the tremendously effective results produced by our deep self-hypnosis trainings, you may even get started without.

If your Attitude, Strength of Character, Will Power, Stick-to-ti-ive-ness (Persistence), Firm Determination, Depth and Fervor of Desire, Deep Faith (*), and a few other Qualities are such that you wish to "go it alone", I sincerely send you my compliments and support and say "Go For It!".

(*) FAITH is Strongly Believing 'blindly'..."beyond Any Doubt" in something which 'common sense', logic, friends and family, even public opinion tells us is silly, foolhardy, or 'impossible'.

So, whatever approach you decide to take...taking the recommendations above into consideration, do it in small, 'bite-size' quantities...Easy, comfortable for you to ACCEPT and Believe You Can Do (SEE Yourself Doing It!)...Then, gradually, bit by bit, you can increase them by adding more small amounts at a time.

And please let me know how you are progressing and, best of all, the ideal end results you obtained!

Wishing You and Yours All the Best Always!

Your Friend,



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