Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tiny steps... BIG RESULTS! (Part One)

That's a motto taken to heart by nutritionist Katherine Tallmadge, author of the easy-to-digest book Diet Simple (Lifeline Press). Tallmadge knows that if you're like most people, you believe there is no easy solution to your weight woes.

Far too many of us think we've dug a hole too deep to ever get out of. In fact, we've come to accept the "fact" that we'll go to our graves lugging behind our extra baggage.

We brainwash ourselves to believe that healthy eating, exercise and water are for the birds. We want a quick weight-loss fix or nothing at all. We tell ourselves losing weight takes lots of time and effort -- and time is something we just don't have. Right?

Tallmadge's take on this defeatist state of mind: bull-oney! Focus for a moment on Tallmadge, whose latest offering in the fickle world of weight loss is a stand out.

Diet Simple serves up 154 mental tricks, substitutions, habits and inspirations. Each and every one can be used in accordance with your eDiets plan.

Tallmadge empathizes with folks who've been battling the bulge for what seems like a lifetime. She's been there, done that and has the emotional scars of an eating disorder to prove it!

It's a textbook case of, "if I knew then, what I know now..." For starters, Tallmadge has learned that losing those extra pounds can be as easy as choosing salmon over prime rib (a step that alone saves you 150 calories) or taking a scalding hot-to-icy cold shower when those unbearable cravings start (saving you the 250 to 300 calories a binge would have cost).

"It's about small, easy changes which add up to produce the most satisfying lasting results," Tallmadge tells eDiets. "What I was doing -- what every other person out there does -- was following rigid, depressing diets that you can't stick to because they're too restrictive or too low in calories".

"They cut out major food groups and that completely reduces all your energy and vitality. I think that's why it's so hard for people. I completely commiserate and understand people thinking it's too hard because the way they're going about it is wrong.
"I see a lot of bright, educated, conscientious people and even they have a hard time knowing what to do. They are happy people when they find out it's not so hard

The Washington, D.C., nutritionist is an equal-opportunity myth destroyer. Since 1983, she's worked with thousands of clients -- everyone from congressmen, to senators to Joe Public.

Thanks to her book, Tallmadge can now spread her proven weight-loss techniques to millions more.

Over the last two decades, she has identified the mistakes and behaviors that set us up for diet failure. A major boo-boo: failing to eat several balanced meals throughout the day.

(To Be Continued)
Courtesy: Glee Magazine, an eDiets publication.
Wishing You and yours a HAPPY, HEALTHY, SAFE EASTER!
Your Friend,


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