Monday, May 12, 2008

Can You Walk 10 Years off Your Age?

Forget the plastic surgery. Here's a simple, cheap way to get back your youth: Start walking.

People who regularly lace up their walking shoes and get moving may be as much as 10 years younger than their couch-potato peers. Still sitting down? Read on.

All About Aerobics

Your aerobic power declines as you age. So, over time, you simply don't have the same energy as you used to. But here's the good news: Research shows that regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, can boost your aerobic fitness so much that it's like being 10 years younger!

Take It to the Next Level

Now that you've got the goal of 10 extra years of good health as your motivation, we've got a few tips and tricks for improving your power walk:

Pick up the pace.
The right gait speed can help you live longer.

Take a step backwards.

Count your steps.
Not in your head, but with a pedometer.

Mix things up with a beach or trail walk.

Bring a furry friend.
You'll walk more -- and keep Fido fit, too!

How far do you have to walk to burn off that brownie?
Use this online tool to find out.

RealAge Benefit: Exercising regularly, expending at least 3,500 calories of energy a week, can make your RealAge 3.4 years younger.

References Published on 05/13/2008.
Maximal oxygen intake and independence in old age. Shephard, R. J., British Journal of Sports Medicine 2008 Apr 10.



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