Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Vitamin You Need to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Increased intake of vitamin K2 may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent, according to the results of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).

The potential benefits of K2 were most pronounced for advanced prostate cancer. Vitamin K1 intake did not offer any prostate benefits.

The findings were based on data from more than 11,000 men taking part in the EPIC Heidelberg cohort. It adds to a small but ever-growing body of science supporting the potential health benefits of vitamin K for bone, blood, skin, and now prostate health.

Sources: April 9, 2008
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition April 2008; 87(4):985-92

What you don’t know about weight loss can hurt you…

Low-calorie or low-fat foods may not address your personal issues with weight management at all. In addition to being highly processed and nearly free of any vital nutrients, these types of foods often contain ingredients that may compromise your health.

Courtesy: Dr.


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