Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's (and Mother's) Day "Special": Child Obesity.

A couple of days ago, I viewed and transposed an eye-opener of an interview by NANCY MORALES on MSNBC-TV's "Today".

She quizzed a couple of real mavens on the state of the Health, Well-being and problems of the youth and families of America. In particular, (over)weight, precarious nutrition and other significant "amber flashing lights" of avoidable behavioral and attitudinal patterns: the culprits in the spreading (no pun intended) obesity epidemic.

This week, Time Magazine's front cover page featured "Super-Sized Kids", complete with a self-explanatory illustration. Its Senior Science Editor, JEFFREY KLUGER was one of the two interviewees. KATHY NONAS (New York City's Director of Physical Activities) was the other.

JK: 1 out of 3 kids in the U.S. is obese; 7 out of 10 kids are likely are likely to grow up as overweight adults; 8 out of 10 kids are likely to become obese...
"As The U.S. Surgeon General, STEVEN GALSON, told me a couple of weeks ago" said Kluger, "ZERO % out of 10 abnormally obese kids will be normal adults!"

"Another alarming statistic is that the same weight-related illnesses as normally affect middle-aged obese people are beginning to show up in adolescents as young as 15: diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol...and 90% of overweight or obese children already have at least one of several avoidable risk factors for heart disease, such as high cholesterol.", added Mr. Kluger.

"Other factors affecting the overweight-obesity puzzle are: geography, ethnicity, education and income levels", added Kathy Nonas.

For instance, 30% of white children are overweight or obese as compared to 35% African-American and 38% Latino...In L.A., the 10 richest Counties have an 8% obesity level in kids, whereas the 10 poorest have 32%.

KN advice to all parents: "Statistical research has shown that only 32% of all parents of overweight-obese children recognize that fact (the rest apparently are in a state of denial), and only 12% of Doctors are willing to talk about it to parents..."

"The first step in acknowledging existing problems and weight-related dangers is for parents to realize that what they need to do for their children's health also applies to them as living examples, role models to their youngsters...Next is not to blame themselves but to TAKE ACTION by defending against an obesifying environment and CREATE HEALTHY BEHAVIORS. Such as establishing a habit of consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables...reducing sugars, soft drinks and TV watching (especially NEVER while eating)...and taking your kids to the Park or dancing with them in bad weather..."

(Continued in our next Post)


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