Friday, June 13, 2008

Losing weight in virtual reality

Created Jun 13 2008 - 9:18am

Some researchers believe that watching yourself lose weight in virtual reality may help you shed pounds in the real world. In this video from NBC-TV's The Today Show, one reporter visits scientists at Stanford University to find out if donning a pair of virtual goggles and seeing herself lose weight will motivate her to exercise more in her daily life.

Jacques' remarks:

I warched the video and it was intriguing to observe a $20,000.00 pair of bulky goggles you wear over you eyes, looking like Sci.-Fi. headwear...or those night vision "binoculars" we have all seen in mystery films, worn by a killer who shut off the lights to keep his targeted victim petrified...or even expensive aids, again for night vision or heat sensing detection, recently introduced to our military front line combattants...

There is no doubt about science and technology's endless seeming capabilities. In this instance, by viewing an elaborate "clone" of yourself, but sporting your weight goal shape and size, while you exercise...the visualization which you are experiencing can or will stimulate you to a high(er) level of motivation for continuing or increasing your exercise regimen...

The "Avatar" of yourself, constantly looked at, desired, inspiring, encouraging, giving you hope that your present physique can and will soon be that excitingly attractive in "real life", all this imagery stimulus can indeed positively affect your Attitude which, in turn, can encourage you to "eat right", exercise and do whatever else will culminate in your becoming and owning the enviable ultimate goal you are watching constantly, keeping it at all times at the front of your mind.

Although I don't know if , should you have $20,000.00 to order such a "virtual reality reflexion of you", you could actually get Stanford University's Professor Jeffrey Belensen (I believe is his name) and team of students build you such a headgear...

What I do know for a fact is that the S.L.I.M. For Life Weight Maintenance System I developed, perfected and successfully tested on what turned out to be thousands of happy, attractive indivuals with apparently lasting ongoing end results and improved health benefits, and more...can and does achieve the remarkable feats being experimented with at Stanford U.

Best of all, without the exorbitant cost factor of the fascinating virtual apparatus, totally "natural", free of any possible negative side-effects, and with you in total charge, instinctively being guided in what, when, how much to consume, yet without any formal diet(ing), drugs, pills, risky medical interventions or other costly fad diet plans that do not work in the long run.

I could not help myself...just had to remind and reassure you that true, safe, permanent help will soon be made available to you and millions of overweight individuals around the globe, with the advent of our forthcoming Website!, keep reading this Blog for further updates.

Meanwhile, I wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy Father's Day weekend!

Your Friends always,



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