Friday, March 27, 2009

Diet sodas make you fat

Hello Jacques,

Diet sodas actually make you fat. Not only this, they are addictive.
They're loaded with ingredients such as aspartame that are actually
worse than regular sodas.

Now I want to say if you're trying to lose weight, you should be
drinking water...and water ONLY. But if you're drinking diet sodas,
read this next part.

I've read about an experiment with people who regularly drank diet
sodas. They had them switch to regular sodas for 2 weeks. So what
happened? Not one person gained weight... AND... over 75% of the
people actually lost weight! They mentioned how 1 person even lost
7 pounds.

The thought that because diet sodas have fewer or no calories, thus
they're good to lose weight... is false. Also, remember that all
carbonated drinks block calcium absorption. Calcium along with
Vitamin E are the two most important supplements for women.

And don't forget to use extra virgin coconut oil and a


PS. I know I harp on stuff, but I do that because it's important.


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