Monday, October 26, 2009

Cut Fatty-Food Cravings with This Mineral

By RealAge

Give yourself the power to say no to waist-padding foods by adding this to your diet: a calcium and vitamin D supplement.

When female dieters did this in a recent study, they ate fewer fatty foods and lost four times more weight than the women who didn't take the supplement.

Keep the Calcium Coming

Why might a calcium supplement help? Researchers theorize that when your calcium intake is too low, your body may start craving foods rich in the mineral. And, unfortunately, many foods high in calcium are also high in fat and calories (think ice cream and full-fat cheese). But the women in the study who were getting the least calcium (less than 600 milligrams per day) lost not only more weight but also more body fat while taking a supplement. Here's a low-fat dairy food just bursting with calcium.

Why Both Is Best
When you take vitamin D with calcium, your body absorbs more of the calcium, so a combo supplement is best. Find out how much calcium and D you need. Try these additional tips for slimming down faster:

Have a clear goal.
Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, setting a goal and tracking your progress will help you get there. Use this online tracking tool to reach your weight loss goal.
Eat for the right reason. If you're eating because you're depressed rather than hungry, you need to understand yourself in order to stop.

Move your feet.
A walk every day helps melt the pounds away. Find out how quickly you can walk off the fat.

Courtesy: RealAge Newsletter


Anonymous AMK said...

Supplements can be of great help in getting rid of free radicals to our body. A good source of vitamins and antioxidants to suffice what we lack from food intake.

5:46 PM PST  

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