Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Four Belly Fattening foods to Avoid or Reduce drastically

Today I want to talk about white flour products and how they can add stomach fat.

You see, many flour-based products are made with obesity additives like high-fructose corn syrup and refined flour (which the body quickly converts to sugar).

High fructose corn syrup is bad because it shuts down leptin, a fat-regulating hormone in your body that is responsible for sending "hunger signals" from your stomach to your brain. Essentially leptin lets you know when you're full. Less leptin, more eating, even if you don't need to.

So these "foods" are just plain killer on your waistline.

Also, make sure when you are looking at the nutrition facts panel you look at servings per container because sometimes the serving size is only one piece. (Who eats one piece of anything these days?)

Here are 4 examples of the biggest offenders:

1. White bread. All white bread has refined, over processed flour. And lots of white bread has high fructose corn syrup. You should never eat white bread if you can possibly avoid it. (Neither should kids.)

2. White flour tortillas. Besides being made of refined white flour, these puppies are usually full of lard—the ORIGINAL obesity additive. But seriously, if they don't have lard, then chances are the sneaky food manufacturers have replaced the lard with partially hydrogenated oils, or trans fats (which, come to think of it, are even worse than lard). Check your labels!

3. "Wheat bread." Yep, I said it. If the bread says "wheat" or "honey wheat" or "golden wheat," it might as well be white bread colored brown.

4. Most pasta. "Enriched semolina" flour is also a highly processed wheat flour. When you eat traditional pasta, it affects your blood sugar levels the very same way that eating white bread, or a candy bar, would. And to put it simply, high blood sugar levels cause the calories you eat to be packed away as "blubber".

Source: Vitamin-Edge.com


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