Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shed 45 pounds in 45 seconds (Concl.)

New Hope for a Long and Healthy Life

When Terri first came into my office, we did a round of blood work. At the time, her HDL cholesterol – the good cholesterol – measured 40, and her triglycerides were running high at 276.
These were big concerns for Terri, because her mother had begun having cardiovascular problems at an early age. And with years of smoking behind her, that was just one more health concern that caused her worry.

"Between the extra weight, the blood pressure pills, and all that other stuff, I knew I was walking down a path I didn’t want to be on. I just didn’t know how to get off of it."
When Terri first started her PACE exercises, the out-of-control breathing she experienced showed just how out-of-shape she was. Using a heart rate monitor, Terri’s ideal heart rate during exercise is right around 150. But once she got there, it was all she could do to breathe.
Then, it would take her 5 to 10 minutes to regain control.

That’s why she was exceptionally pleased when she came for another office visit in April. I had good news all the way around. Not only had she lost another 11 pounds of body fat – now totaling 38 – but she showed a marked improvement in important health markers. In only three months, her good HDL cholesterol had gone up by 5 points, and her triglycerides dropped by almost 30%… from 276 to 194. Today the numbers are even more astounding.

Lowering triglycerides is especially helpful for Terri, as triglycerides are more of a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in women than in men. Terri’s lungpower is on the rise, too. Terri’s office is on the second floor. Before she started PACE, she would always take the elevator. Now she bounds up the 25 steps three or four times a day without thinking about it. She also noticed she hasn’t been retaining excess fluids any longer.
"My ankles used to swell up all the time. I even bought a little foot pedal to use at work to keep the blood flowing through them… but it didn’t help much. Now, I don’t even have to think about it, because they never swell up anymore."

"The Difference Is So Amazing…"

Once Terri started dropping the pounds, we were able to add even more to her PACE routine. Initially, her weight wouldn’t allow her to do certain types of exercise… no jumping rope, jump squats, or jumping jacks… and no pull-ups or push-ups. Now, 68 pounds lighter and sporting 14 more pounds of lean muscle, Terri can participate in all of these exercises. Just imagine that: When Terri started, she couldn’t even walk for more than a few seconds. Today, she’s doing jump squats with 20 lb. kettleballs.

She’s also noticed a huge improvement in her breathing rate and recovery time.
"The difference is so amazing," she told me. "Now, when I get the heart rate monitor up to 150, I can breathe! Sure… I’m breathing hard, but it’s not all erratic and out of control like it used to be. Plus, my recovery time is just a couple minutes."

On Terri’s most recent visit to my office, I asked her what the hardest part of her journey has been… and got a good laugh out of her response:
"Getting up at 4:45 in the morning to meet Scott… Oh! And keeping myself in clothes that fit. That’s definitely been the hardest part," she chuckled.
Then she continued. "Seriously, there’s nothing hard about it. It’s easy. It works. And you can do it on your own."

She’s right about that. PACE doesn’t require anything except commitment on your part to dedicate a few minutes a day toward it. There’s no equipment to buy. No gym memberships to get locked into. Just you and your commitment. "If you work for it," Terri said, "it will work for you. And you don’t even have to leave your living room. You can do jumping jacks, squats, running in place… Just do it!"

Terri speaks from experience. Over the past 11 months Terri has:
• Lost 68 pounds of fat
• Built 14 pounds of new muscle
• Raised HDL (good cholesterol) by over 33%
• Lowered triglycerides (blood fat) by over 36%
Today, Terri is living a new, healthier, and more active life than she has in years, and is well on her way to achieving the body of her dreams.

Jacques' notes:

I am stopping here the content sharing, as many charts + comments follow, which I suggest to those of you who wish to "see and read it all", you simply contact: Al Sears, M.D. / Wellness Research & Consulting, visit his website and ask for this FREE report and others on his site.
Best wishes for your success!


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