Friday, March 09, 2007

"Weight Loss" claims and advertisements..

All right…you have just about every imaginable type of statement..claim.. guarantee..

They get you emotionally charged..euphorically daydreaming about those romantic sounding promises to give you that "thin figure" in no time at all…

They promise to make you "lose fifty lbs. this month" and speedily get you ready for the bikini season…

They raise your hopes and get you emotionally excited…

They cleverly paint believable pictures…

They stimulate your vulnerable imagination.. your desperate mindset... You mentally picture yourself becoming the next best thing to that glamorous model on the front cover of that magazine..or the glamorous entertainer you so admire and envy!

Just pop that pill..slap on that patch…go on that revolutionary new fad diet..and "instant gratification"can be yours!..The dream-come-true of every impatient, sedentary, often too weak-willed to exercise couch potato... The fantasy of overweight, obese individuals who'd love that some fairy godmother be inside a pill or potion and will wave her magic wand to "make it happen" for them Now!...Does any of these wishful delusions sound even vaguely familiar?...

The advertising and P.R. mavens of the"shmatte business"(the garment industry) have recently developed more palatable terms such as: "Full Sized".."Plus-Sized"..“Large", etc. with which to identify by kinder appellations their Fat, Bulky and Obese consumers.

While this diplomatic approach is less threatening or humiliating to their target audiences, it must be borne in mind that it also could tend to encourage, even invite dangerous denial.. escapism..unrealistic "sticking your head in the sand" camouflaging..covering up tactics that could keep you stuck in your present condition instead of moving forward with a personal plan to reduce the bulk, the guilt and the shame.

You know who you are!... So, if shedding those excess pounds of fat, flab and inches truly matters to on..keep returning to this, "Your Blog" frequently...

For here, you will find that we Do have the desired answers for you in a relatively simple, easy, totally fun and safe method!

Billions of Dollars are being spent weekly throughout the media, especially TV, to brainwash the naïve..the anxious.. the despondent..the gullible…to motivate them to rush to their wallets..whip out a credit card and "Order Now"..before the "high" of the promises of the Nirvana of Rapid Weight Loss and Fast Trimness dissipates…

..And, for those of you who are in a real hurry to "lose it"…let me tell you a good weight loss story I heard.. about Joe who told Bill that his wife had just dropped ten poundsJust like that! (snap of the fingers)...
‘How on earth did she do it?" asked Bill…to which Joe replied, "Her arm got so tired that she could no longer hold on to that plastic bagful of potatoes she was lugging in from the car…" :o)

If his potato story sounded like pure corn..well...they tell me that ‘corn sells!’…:o)

Just to prove it to all who are looking for a good diet…RELAX..! For, you're already ON one!:
A "Seafood diet"...You know!...’I SEE food…I EAT it!’… :o)

(And, don’t worry if you didn’t find my joke very funny…because I wanted to hear it again anyway )…:o)

Well, my dear friends..enough silliness for today...SO, get ready to get serious in upcoming posts !...

Your Friend,
