Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Your BELIEF SYSTEM... another vital part of your complex Subconscious Brain’s network of "departments". These can inspire, guide, motivate, elevate, reduce, empower, de-energize, encourage, discourage, make you feel like a giant or like some worthless loser, depending on what is filed within them.

Your Belief System (B.S. for short!)...Don't laugh!, for as you accompany me on this exciting, eye-opening journey through your Subconscious brain, you will realize that the contents of your B.S. is a pot-pourri of the descriptives in the previous paragraph.

How You choose to allow the latter to affect your daily, moment-by-moment thinking, feeling, speech, actions and living as a whole is a dynamic directly influenced by your subliminal B.S., which is truly pivotal in steering your behavioral patterns throughout life. HABITS also enter into this highly complex equation, and much will be said about the latter as we go.

To put it simply: "What you Believe is so, especially if it is something you have gotten in the habit of thinking, saying, doing, feeling like...for you IS so !"...and you'd argue, insist, defend, justify, "prove", even defend to the death that it IS SO! Sounds familiar, hey what? :o)

Interestingly enough, if you’d cut out the ‘F’: BELIEF becomes BELIE..which bluntly tells us that our Belief System (too frequently) belies the truth and what IS truthfully so!... And, split in half, is but ‘BE + LIE’ or, as some would say : ‘it Be a Lie’...

For, Remember that all the "facts and figures" that were "fed" to us over the years, now and forever dwell in our subconscious "Belief System"... Unfortunately, the VAST majority of these messages are bald-faced lies, false, erroneous, dangerous, harmful, negative, destructive, demeaning, belittling, dehumanizing data of questionable origin... oftentimes passed on from generation to generation of, and by, uneducated, ignorant, misinformed, supersticious, fanatical, prejudiced, dim-witted, narrow-minded, even illiterate sources...and the further we reach back in time through our ancestry, the scarier it gets!

Think about it!...Realistically speaking, didn't most of the "stuff", such as advice, home remedies, dos and don'ts, die-hard "facts" (including lots and lots of them passed on by titled "Experts"), and the like originate ages ago, long before the wise men and women who came up with them had much, if any, schooling, scientific evidence, sophistication, culture, and the benefit of pragmatic, verifiable Knowledge?

Please believe that this is neither an indictment, nor a "call to arms", nor a rebellious, disrespectful, insulting, emotional outburst of sorts. We ARE indeed objectively talking about our own ancestors, family members, friends, strangers, teachers, lay and religious, neighborhood cops, laws and lawmakers, newcasters, and so on... passing along often unverified, unfounded hearsay and gossip which they themselves "inherited" generation by generation...

The manure pile got eventually mixed up with positive, reliable, sound, accurate, dependable fact-based, verifiable information having emanated from that precious ethereal reservoir of knowledge, and these, too, became a part of your B.S.

Your Belief System might be said to be the kinesthetic: the emotional portion of your Subconscious "Memory Bank" which has been "forever", and continues to be, a vital part of the Subconscious by means explained in our section on the Brain.

Just as it is commonly said that "You are what you eat" this instance: "You are, and will become, what you Believe you are, or will turn into!"...(Jacques Girard)

The Belief System is closely related to your Habits, which it strongly influences and directs (Be sure to SEE the sections devoted to Changing...getting rid of unwanted habits...and forming new "good" ones when these posts will be published)

Since it is a subliminal entity, you are not conscious or aware of all that it is doing for or against you in your moment-to-moment thoughts, decisions, feelings and consequential actions or reactions. It responds to the ways you think and talk to yourself, mentally, repetitiously ("Self-Talk")

Which is why it is YOUR duty to control the "garbage" portions which seep out and get you to act the negative, "strange" and self-defeating ways you do at times... then cannot understand what just took place...and become amazed or upset at yourself. Or that "stupid thing" you just said or did...sometimes hitting your forehead with your open in the "I could have had a V-8" commercial...
Remember some of the times this sort of thing happened?...

Beginning with this series of eye-and-mind-openers being warmly and gratuitously shared for your benefit and well-being, and expanded during our S.L.I.M. For Life © Seminars series, I suggest you relax and rest assured that we shall give you the solutions to the problems being aired, and the answers to those gnawing questions which may have been puzzling you!

All that is needed for you to do is to practice the indicated principles and short-cuts to Wellness, Happiness and Fulfillment, which we are sending you with love and supportiveness. For, the more mentally, emotionally and physically "sane and sound" people inhabit the planet, the safer and more secure our humankind shall be for future generations to come...

So, consider this our sincere contribution to this gigantic, world-wide effort to help improve the quality of life for millions of people around the globe. We humbly ask that you do your share by making these real, viable guidelines work for you, yours and then many others...virtually help spread a powerful epidemic of positive forces to help offset the daily strife, killings, deadly diseases and other evils. Let it begin with You!

It is also interesting to note that whatever it is that you Firmly Believe in, is, is so, Becomes so for you and all who are affected by you.

A few years ago, a fellow "invented" a "Magic...Powerful...Super-charged Mini"God" that you could hold in the palm of your hand...ask or pray to it for things to do or accomplish for you, and MANY users Believed and even reported that it "really worked".

This little, miraculous item, whose popularity spread like wildfire made a multi-millionaire of its creator, who had started the whole fad (See: "About FADS" in upcoming posts) with a strictly tongue-in-cheek attitude, and called it the "Pet Rock"!...It was a smooth, flat or slightly rounded garden or roadside variety, that he washed thoroughly and painted a Happy Face on. And "tons" of people spent $5.00 and up for each!...further proving that anything you choose to Believe, or Believe In, allow and welcome into your Belief System actually may or will "work" for you!

The great ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and favorite student of another renowned Greek Master, Plato, left us much with which to help us live a better and happier life, one enhanced by the wisdom of the ages. I shall now share a small portion of his thinking on "habits" with you...

‘Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way’

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.’

‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit’

Ponder these gems, and put them to good use during our "Promises...Promises...Promises: Make fewer of them and KEEP Every ONE !’ Series of Life-Altering exercises...More wonderous pathways to travel...

Our next post will expose you to a few awesome classics to "feed" into your Belief System. They are like doses of strong tonic, energizing vitamins for an anemic Self.