Saturday, March 31, 2007


PLEASE NOTE: You are about to read terminologies, descriptives, and learn new, perhaps "strange sounding" data unknown to you. I strongly recommend that you peruse everything in-depth anyway. It will all make more sense and "fall into place" like pieces of a puzzle as you progress through this entire discourse and read further details!

Many of the following were coined by me after much conscientious research to find the most descriptive terms possible for the thoroughly tested exercises comprising our S.L.I.M. For Life © and The I.D.S. (Inner Dimensions Seminars) ©… So: please do not be disappointed if they do not sound familiar, or you haven’t heard them before. They have existed all along, and belong to the perpetual chain of events, knowledge, discoveries and wisdom also called the Universe, the Ether, as testified by Aristotle’s quotations at the start of this Introduction.

Self-produced; self-generated (autogenic therapy); independent ; self-regulated’ self-controlled.

Self-governing; without outside control; spontaneous; existing, responding or reacting independently of the whole or any other organism (biology); autonomic.

A network of nerves and fibers in the spinal column that stimulates and controls the functions of all body tissues and organs not subject to voluntary control, such as: the heart, blood vessels, smooth muscle, glands, stomach, intestines… Autonomic nervous system…(controlled and regulated by the Subconscious Theta brain waves... further explained below)

(Music) : A passing of one tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression; the harmonious use of language, as in poetry or prose; the use of a particular intonation or inflection of the voice; act or process of changing from one key to another, especially without break in the melody or chord succession.

(Telecommunications) : The process of varying the frequency, amplitude, intensity or phase of a carrier wave so as to conform with a transmitted signal wave.
The S.L.I.M. For Life Modulation © is a deep, meditative, dynamic exercise for relaxation, reconstructive autogenic (self-hypnotic) induction; the mastery of effective and productive auto-suggestion and guided imagery (visualizations), with the ultimate goals being the attaining and maintaining of all your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and material needs, wants and sincere desires.

The Modulation empowers you to channel conscious β (Beta) brain waves to autonomously gain free access to the Inner Dimensions of Mind (the slow α (Alpha) subconscious brain waves and cells). And, within a matter of HOURS of training and consistent practice of our proprietary exclusive techniques, to start experiencing the many benefits from the slower still, innermost θ (Theta) brain waves.

This dynamic enables you to autogenically program, deprogram,control, direct, re-direct and cause the effectuation of dramatic breakthroughs and positive transformations in your health, the quality of your life, as well as in the conditions and circumstances affecting your personal universe.

As in music, radio and telecommunications, the Modulations help trigger the alteration of subliminal brain wave frequencies, to slow them down voluntarily and to trap their vast resources through a systematic network of specific signals, guided imagery, language and autogenically controlled instructions…

Benefits include the awakening of genius, inspiration, enlightenment, amazing creativity, intuitive decision making as well as control of the autonomous organs and nervous system. And, with the advent of high awareness, most dramatic is the development of accurate, dynamic, self-and extra-healing, energized by newly developed psychic powers and abilities.

A very "special", personal place that, when you mentally fix on it, brings you immediate feelings of peace, quiet, relaxation, serenity, well-being and security.

This can be a familiar place in which you have actually spent time, or a paradisic place you have seen in a photo or a film and wish you could "visit" for R & R, or a place you have created in your imagination.

Either produces instantaneous soothing and appeasement to your mind and senses, and gives you a warm, safe, comfortable, happy feeling all over.

You can choose to have more than one such Peaceful Retreat to relax in or "escape to" during your Modulations. Then, select the one you prefer to visit each time you do a Modulation. You also may "visit" them all, one at a time, if you wish. However, for the sake of avoiding unsettling activity, "one" is recommended.(To be continued)