Friday, May 25, 2007

On A Roll Again...

Hope Willie Nelson will excuse the pun. :o)

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Russell Baker astutely remarked that ‘Reporters thrive on the world’s misfortune. For this reason, they often take an indecent pleasure in events that dismay the rest of humanity’...The subject of excess fat and obesity is really getting a lot of press every day - and night - of the week ...

We have become so accustomed to reading, hearing, viewing daily depressing news items that, if some great catastrophe is not announced every morning, we feel a certain void… a bit cheated. "Nothing in the news today", we sigh.

Violence and smut are everywhere in the press and on the airwaves. I recently had a good laugh hearing a smart-ass friend of mine comment about all sorts of stressful problems in the daily news, "You cannot turn on your television without seeing them...although sometimes you have to hunt around if you want to get a good one!" :o)

If you actually enjoy or even crave fatty foods, a good way to help eliminate fats from your body is to take in foods that contain a high amount of fiber. In a recent study of men and women whose weight had increased over a period of ten years, it was conclusively found that those who consumed regularly foods high in fiber gained the least amount of extra pounds regardless of what else they ate, whereas those with a diet low in fiber gained considerably more.

You may be able to ‘fight fire with fire’, but Fat can be fought with Fiber!...

Coming back to fatty ‘fast foods’ all fairness, it must be said that, in response to the clamors of the news media and many concerned consumers, fast food eateries have begun a ‘smaller portions’ and ‘healthier foods’ 'movement' recently: salads, including fruit salads, sandwiches, etc....

Greasy spoon Jack-In-The-Box started out by advertising a ‘Gourmet Deli.’-'Pannido Sandwich’ reminiscent of those that helped make Subway famous and that morbidly obese young man thin...When this seemed to be well received commercially, the competition also began to follow suit.

And just when things began to look good, the news came out that the leading cause of death among carb.-deprived fashion models, is falling through street grates.) :o)

Mon Dieu! It really feels like getting my S.L.I.M. For Life © drugs-and-dieting-free permanent, simple "Answer" ready for the Internet is taking ‘forever’...

...while the Media, especially every TV station and the late night comedians, broadcast new and more alarming news about the eating habits of Americans daily...
…and divulge the fact that many fast food chains 'counter-attacked' and reversed their recent health-conscious offerings with truly shocking come-backs to please the inveterate fatty and high calorie addicts amongst their customers: larger portions were back...triple, quadruple, quintuple (!) burgers...and other returns to 'Square A'...deserving to be called ‘The Revenge of the low carb dieters’?...

As I write, NBC-TV is reporting more scary new findings about child obesity...Sorry to leave you with such 'downers' that are only topped by the sordid events in the Middle East and elsewhere...

So, Have as HAPPY, Healthy, Safe weekend as you can, my friends!


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