Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hi again!

NO! I haven’t given up on the Blogs, nor forgotten about you, dear friends!... Just returned after a week out of the area… had some pressing, unexpected business to take care of… you know how that goes, no?...

Anyway, I hope you are all well and eager to read the following thoughts which I scribbled down during my absence...If interested in so doing, feel free to quote
some or all of these...

1- The true code of an honorable indivudual is "A Word GIVEN is a Word KEPT"
(with NO substitutes such as fabricated excuses).

2- Our perceptions are often colored by what we see, how we feel, hope, long for, crave, desire, imagine...

3- One is defined by heart, honesty, kindness, generosity, charity and soul...

4- CHANGE (of one self) happens in undefinable units...not in grand gestures...

On the psychological front, CHANGE triggers Fears, Uncertanty, Anxiety, Horror, Discomfort and Unease...
Yet, it is Not necessarily "Loss"...

Rather, it is synonymous to * Improvement * Progress * Gain * Profit * Stimulation * Envigoration * Growth * Uplifting * Renewal * Rebirth...

It Ends * Boredom * Stagnation * Staleness * Enslavement * Feeling "Stuck In The Mud"..."Dead In The Water"..."Up The Creek Without A Paddle"...

Be back to you soon. Be well, and get some refreshing sleep!

Your Friend,



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