Friday, July 13, 2007

On SLEEP…Its importance...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

'Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.' (Ovid)

...Positive effects and benefits on Health and Weight Management…Sleeping pills and potions VS. Drugless, Natural SLEEP.

NBC-TV’s ‘Nighline’ Reports: Special series on SLEEP
(‘ Sleepless in America’ - Week 5/15-19/2006)… a few highlights of interest:

• It has been conclusively determined that the adult human body requires and average of 7-1/2 to 8 full hours of restful, peaceful, reconstructive SLEEP daily (nightly)..

• At another Sleep Clinic in PA. Dr. Sigrid Nissi states that the number of hours required to function ‘sharply’ varies with individual characteristics, including: age, weight, height, color and intellect…The more intelligent amongst the latter are said to rank amongst the more successful members of our society…

Ben Franklin said ‘Early to bed and early to rise’, and slept 3-4 hours on the average...Jay Leno and many others survive very well on just a few hours’ sleep…oftentimes broken up in several naps of 20 or more minutes each... while others claim that 8-9 hours is a minimum for them…

Apparently, more time-tested results are forthcoming on this important topic…

* Poor sleeping habits and sustained sleeplessness within the U.S. work force is costing business and industry an everage of 15 Billion Dollar$+ yearly in lost productivity due to absenteeism...Related medical costs exceed $16 Billion Dollar$...

• The Big Winners are the members of the Pharmaceutical Indsutry, whose components pocketed $43.1 Billion Dollar$ in profits from sales last year (an increase of 30% over the previous year for heavily advertised ‘LUNESTA’ and ‘AMBIEN’ spite of strong negative reports of dangerous effects upon many ‘AMBIEN’ users: loss of accidents, arrests for ‘Driving UnderT he Influence’ etc.!)…

More than ever, I feel privileged to have developed very Effective, Safe, Totally Drug-Free Modulations and techniques that ensure Fast, Deep, Sound, Rejunevating SLEEP…taught during The I.D.S and S.L.I.M. For Life © Trainings!

In weight management, it is important to note that a good night’s sleep helps your body process carbohydrates…

A recent study revealed that people with a sleep debt had lower glucose tolerance compared to when they were well rested… glucose tolerance may increase the risk of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, such as hypoglycemia…since, when you’re sleep deprived, sugars tend to linger in the blood and trigger insulin production...thus elevating body fat storage, which can contribute to type 2 diabetes problems...

Persistent insomnia: prolonged lack of sleep, of reposing, refreshing, restorative rest can cause Sleep Deprivation with potential consequential health problems of varied kinds, oftentimes severe…

Nights of sound, restful sleep are of the utmost importance in all weight management programs for better control of metabolic control and other pivotal excess fat burning processes... while lack of restful sleep interferes with the secretion of cortisol , a hormone that regulates appetite…If their levels are off balance, you may still feel ‘false hunger pangs’ although you may actually be ‘full’!...

Conversely, 7-8 hours of deep, restful, reconstructive sleep helps the body’s immune system as well as moods, outlook on life, concentration, clear thinking, blood pressure, heart health and many more wellness factors which we cover in another one of our Seminars dealing exclusively with this issue...

If this is getting a bit too serious for you... remember the old saying, whenever you go to bed : ‘one good turn…takes most of the covers!’….:o)

As has been mentioned throughout this Introductory work (of which this post is but a small fraction: the Simplest...Best... Safest...Healthiest option is to Relax and let your S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © empower you to harness the widest variety of Life Problems…
…in this case, that of restful, revitalizing, reconstructive, rejuvenating SLEEP.

On March 8, 2006...another in a long series of alarming news items was aired…

A ‘marvelous little sleeping pill’ extensively advertised, especially on TV, as being ‘safe...effective...and non-narcotic’ : LUNESTA was named as being the culprit involved in the arrest and incarceration for DUI (driving under the influence) of individuals displaying dangerously eratic patterns while operating a vehicle on our roadways.

Multiple traffic tickets were issued...and arrests made where accidents were involved. Amongst the tell-tale danger signals detected by the arresting officers were: weaving...apparent absence of proper coordination...lethargy... confusion...too-slow reaction time…

The ensuing blood tests revealed no illegal alcohol content but chemicals found in LUNESTA...which the apprehended individuals stated having taken the night before…Those who had also imbibed alcohol came out looking the worst…

This latest event on the alcohol and drugs scene resulted in adding a notch on he gun of the Law…labeling prosecutions involving users of LUNESTA (and other sleeping pills and potions) as ‘Sleep-Driving’... and they just coined ‘DUI-A’

For what it’s worth, and in all fairness to these pill-pushers’ alluring statements, such as: ‘Turn Off Your Restless Mind…’ and several more convincing ones…
they did also issue a few warnings and disclaimers which will ultimately serve to get them off the hook legally and criminally...and save them a small fortune, should the above LUNESTA-caused problems catapult into big buck law suits, class-action or others resulting in large awards…

We are indeed living in history-making times…sad to say, in cases such as this…

So, do not have any nightmares, but drug-free Happy, Peaceful Dreams and SLEEP on this Friday, the 13th. night!

Your Friend,


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