Sunday, July 08, 2007

More about Dr. Jacques Girard's activities...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Updated Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The S.L.I.M. For Life (c) training is a powerful weight management system that uses Dr. Girard's proprietary autogenic (self-induced and controlled) behavior modification techniques - easy to learn and practice daily for optimum and long lasting effectiveness.

After the graduates' ideal weight and measurements goals are reached, weight maintenance further becomes an automatic fresh way of life through the sustained use of his Inner Dimensions deep self-hypnosis methods.

Best of all, to reinforce the fact that this is the safest and most risk-free means through which to gradually, pleasantly and permanently become 'Slim For Life', the system involves NO
*pills/drugs * fad/privation dieting or special foods * surgical interventions * backbreaking exercising * calories counting, portion weighing * obsessiveness/ nervousness/anxiety/ stress/ frustration /resentment / guilt, etc. -producing regimentation and taboos...

..simply the daily practice of listening to Dr.Girard's relaxing, deep Self-Hypnosis tapes or CDs, in which he uses No 'subliminal' (inaudible) sounds or verbiage. It is all quite 'transparent', non- threatening and above-board.

On the contrary: participants are encouraged to listen to their tapes or CDs while in a waking state, and to invite any qualified Professional they trust to do so as well, if they desire a 'second opinion'.

Dr. Girard does interject many 'word/images' which he developed, tested and have proven to trigger a day-and-night ongoing increased speed in the metabolic dynamics, as well as depressing the hunger pangs and cravings centers...while safeguarding lean muscle mass, bone density, skin tone and firmness.

Dr. Girard taught at several Southern California Universities, and contributed many innovative techniques, including in Hypno-anesthesiology at the U.S.C., L.A. School of Dentistry..and to numerous O/R Surgeons and Nurses, for the sake of patients who are allergic to anesthetics or 'afraid of needles'.

He was also awarded a Lifetime Teaching Certificate valid at any/all California State Community Colleges...earned several Certificates in Master Hypnosis, Hypnotheray and N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Dr. Girard researched, developed and conducted countless seminars on a wide spectrum of topics in the private, business and professional arenas..with pragmatic applications and lasting benefits...whose dramatic results were heralded in numerous testimonials, accolades, interviews, articles in the press and personal guest appearances on Radio and Television 'Talk Shows".

Specializing in headache/migraine and weight control in private practice for many years, Dr. Girard shared a Clinic with his friend and partner, Fleming Josefson, M.F.C.C., a protege and graduate of the world-renowned Dr. Milton Erickson, the 'Father' of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which was later commercialized by two other graduates: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Dr. Girard shared with another one of his close friends and associates: Jack Rosenberg, aka 'Werner Erhard' the essence of what became the foundation of the latter's "est" (Erhard Seminars Trainings). Then, he helped him launch the program which became a global success for ten years, when Werner decided to retire.

Dr. Girard is a past President of several Chapters of Southern California's Clinical Hypnotherapists' Association. Subsequently, he was mandated by the majority of the professional membership to become its California State President for several years.

Simultaneously, he also served as a Chapter President of the prestigious N.S.A. (National Speakers' Association), whose membership roster incorporates world renowned business, professional, government and military leaders. This, as a public speaker in high demand and part of his extensively conducting contracted special trainings and motivational courses at Corporate and University levels.

As an inveterate Humanitarian, Dr. Girard, in the 1980s, formed and ran a non-profit, tax- exempt Foundation, The STOP CRIME Seminars, which he personally financed.

Without seeking government, tax-payers' funds, he volunteered his time and effective techniques to teach his customized seminars to male and female inmates of several Southern California Penal Institutions and "half-way houses" 3-5 evenings a week.

The resulting successes obtained with his graduates literally shocked the late and highly respected Sheriff Sherman Block, the reigning 'Pope' of Los Angeles County's Sheriff Department for years. That department also supervised the L.A. county jails and prisons.

To Wit: 57 inmates participated in Dr. Girard's initial series of seminars, and were subsequently paroled. After over one full year following their release, monitoring them non-oppressively showed that Not One of them was ever re-arrested for committing any new crime(s), nor breached parole! This was a feat totally unprecedented in L.A. County's history of high recidivism (up to 95% within as little as six weeks, according to Sheriff Block!).

Dr. Girard was subsequently made an Honorary Peace Officer in Southern California and Baja California, MX., where he further volunteered to instruct Law Enforcement Officers in interrogation techniques, using primarily N.L.P. These proved to be more effective and accurate than 'lie detector' machines or thiopental sodium (sodium pentothal), while facilitating the conducting of the questioning procedures in a non-threatening and humane mode.

While consulting, training and motivating corporate executives and employees,he studied and mastered Marketing, Sales, Closing and germane techniques. These served him well in his own entrepreneurial and investing endeavors. Achieved remarkable "tours de force" in the Film, Entertainment, Imports-Exports Industries.

He is presently contributing his experience to a community within Tijuana, B.C...after he was named its Chief of Vigilance and Security. He is coordinating the support of top Police decision makers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico borders, with a goal of rendering the 'LAS CALIFORNIAS' an exemplary model community.

Peace, safety, relative quiet, crimelessness, respect for the Law..neighbors caring and watching out for neighbors, their property, lives and limbs and helping to improve human conditions and the quality of life are already becoming apparent. The total absence of graffiti is but the first pleasant sign of aesthetics and decorum here.

Dr. Girard expects to inspire, motivate and positively 'infect' other areas of the City where crimes of all sorts are still common and to invite their leaders to emulate 'LAS CALIFORNIAS'.

'Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.'

(Pete Seeger)

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