Monday, July 02, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

...of earlier ‘written in granite’ Healthy Diet(ing) Rules’..Advice..Dos & Don’ts…

(February, 2006) - The latest shocking revelations from U.S. Cardiologists and Nutritionists just released are the following:

‘Low carb. and fats diets’…5 daily servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. were ‘imposed’ on a test group of 50 post-menopausal women over a period of eight years...while the second group of like ladies were allowed to maintain their usual , non-restrictive diets…

...the purpose of which was to compare the amount and percentage of lowered ‘bad’ cholesterol versus increased ‘good’ effects on heart attacks, strokes, etc.

The bottom line was just divulged: ‘There was no or little measurable difference between the two goups in health consequences, although group ‘A’ did lower their ‘bad’ cholesterol slightly, it would appear’, said one Cardiologist, who was interviewed on KPBS-FM (Public Broadcasting, the radio counterpart of KPBS-TV) on 2/10/2006.

The parting conclusions were that those who consume the ‘healthy foods should continue so doing, as they are ‘after all Better For You’…

One more piece of evidence that it is high time for all to look for and use those "magical" techniques which point to ‘silent, intuitive, automatic, relaxed, non-threatening, non-restrictive, non-oppressive, non-enervating pathways, and give totally safe and gentle directions'...

... readily available to each and everyone of us simply by tapping our All-Knowing, Powerful Subconscious Mind's inexhaustible reservoir of accurate using the easy system offered by your S.L.I.M. For Life © Modulations.

More than our thirty-five years' unbroken track record of resounding successes have proven that we ARE ‘THE’ solution to all these confusing...contradictory... costly and often dangerous ‘remedies’ and formulae touted by imperfect, not "too sure" and/or unqualified ‘experts’ out to make a fast buck, build a name for themselves and boost their egos…who give the reliable, ethical, concerned, caring Professionals a black eye…

Just imagine easily obtaining desired results without any drugs, dietary taboos, backbreaking exercises...none of the high risks, sacrifices, suffering, frustrations...nor ending up regaining all the "lost" weight, fat, inches, and more!...

YOU decide…

ADDENDUM (4/4/2006): NBC-TV’s Nightline just revealed new sobering ‘facts’ about another MAJOR reversal of a heavily popularized taboo: it deals with the SUN and its rays which, for the past several decades, we have been brainwashed and assured will give us skin and other forms of CANCER (including: prostate, colon, breast and esophagus), according to Dr. Julia Knight, of Toronto, Canada..and two U.S. Physicians…

NOW, instead of ‘Stay OUT and AWAY from the rays’, it is: ‘Come BACK and Stay a While’... About ten minutes of sunbathing exposure WITHOUT ANY protective lotion or sunscreen is actually GOOD and HEALTHY, especially around mid-day, as it will supply about 1,000 to 1,200 Units of essential Vitamin ‘D’ – an excellent anti-cancer protection tool (the average American is said to take in no more than 400 U. daily nowadays).

And in the arena of daily updates on ‘Weight, Fatness, Obesity...’: U.S. kids of 3 to 5 years of age have just been officially declared to be so FAT and Overweight (also known as ‘Super-Sized’) that an alarming number of them no longer fit in car safety seats which the Law forces their parents to use while on the road…

These children have been complaining that the seats are too snug and uncomfortable… and many have been reported to actually fall out of them upon impact or even common jolts…

Incredulous Mothers are saying: ’Those darn manufacturers must be skimping!’... (as they shove a couple of french fries into their Baby Huey's open mouth)...

So, what will they say to rationalize another amazing fact: AMBULANCES transporting alarming numbers of obese adults and adolescents (who were the Baby Hueys spotlighted just above...not so long ago...) are also being forced to revamp (Increase) the size of their gurneys and beds in order to accommodate the latter…

Well, I guess I have more than made my point…and justified some of the many reasons “Why I do not follow the Experts’ recommendations” as outlined in my post of 6/27 last...and hope that a couple of the reality check/ eye openers above will not have offended, rather: inspired into positive actions those to whom the shoe fits... I am only practicing the old adage, "Aspire to Inspire before you Expire".

In closing today’s expose, let me say that, in my Expert opinion, "blah, blah, blah..." :o) :o) :o)...


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