Sunday, September 30, 2007

STRESS is not Distress!

If you feel stressed (out) at times, I urge you to Remember that ‘STRESS’ need not necessarily lead to Distress.

YOU are in control at all times, so DO Remain In Charge.

You NEVER need to agree or resign yourself to “lie down” and let stress take you over…like some canines do in the harsh conditions in the Arctic at times, and accept death.

Stress, just like many other negative and destructive thoughts, forces, feelings and elements which affect the quality of our lives, is a two-edged sword.

For stress can be Positive as well as it is Negative in nature.

So, ALWAYS Take Over and Redirect its Negative energies and ill-effects into Positive, useful ones.

Like adrenalin, one of Nature’s amazing protective gifts that empowers us to Fight instead give in to Flight, Stress can be used for our benefit every time that we sincerely desire and firmly decide to turn it into an ally instead of an enemy.

Learning how and practicing this healthy habit can virtually be a Life-saving exercise. Just as Ease, when co-mingled with Negative Stress (DIStress), becomes DISease and vice-versa: YOU are always In Control and Have the Decision-Making means to render Destructive forces into Constructive, Protective and Beneficial ones.

Best of all, you already possess all the tools needed to be used in this process: your powerful Sub-Conscious Brain.

“How” to productively use this awesome machinery is part of what S.L.I.M. For Life © teaches.

Wishing you a hopeful, happy weekend!

Your Friend,


Friday, September 28, 2007

My heartwarming experiences with WOLVES

Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:00:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Jacques Girard, Ph.D." View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Fwd: FW: A Helping PAW for Wolves...Please Read and BE SURE TO VIEW THE YOU-TUBE Videos
Hi All!

As some of you know, in the late 1980s, as I was spending
a lot of time in Lucerne Valley (some 3,800 ft elevation,
AKA: "The High Desert") at the back, bottom end of the
Big Bear Mountains, a virtual Walt Disney story was born.

A female Timber Wolf (Orange/White) began a routine
of waiting for me to enter the dirt road leading from the
main, asphalt road to the dirt road to the Ranch my ex-
girlfriend and I planned to buy...and, as soon as the dust
trail my car would create became visible, a germane dust
trail started at the top of a far away pine-covered mountain
trail, descending in my direction...

Interestingly enough, the timing of this strange race was
so precise that, as I stopped in front of our Ranch Home,
this handsome canine with a large, thick tail flapping up and
down on the sand, laid down at my feet, breathing hard,
sending me loving messages from her bright yellow eyes.

Since I could only visit here on weekends, there were "holes"
in my gorgeous welcome committee's regular attendance...
so, I told her affectionately: "Well...guess you're just another
FLOOZIE after all!"...and Floozie became the name she
responded to after that...

LONG story short: Floozie eventually decided to "adopt me",
stay and join the other three dogs we had: a Large Belgian
Shepard/Alaskan Huskie/ Doberman beautiful male I named
"Jefke" (a common Belgian name: "Little Jeff")... a half-
Autralian Shepard/ Half wild Coyote who deservedly became
"Rascal", and an adorable, lively little black-and-white LHASA
APSO, who pretty much barked orders to the others, I simply
called "LHASA"...

Floozie often would take her three adopted brothers up the
trail from whence she came, to meet her family...every once-
in-a-while dredging back one or two identical orange/white
twins upon their return...the latter always staying outside of
the chain link fence, often engaging in sunset concerts with
FLOOZIE (on "this side" of the fence)...Alaskan wolf howling
style...It was spine-tingling and beautiful...

...Especially after FLOOZIE adopted me as her Alpha Pack
Leader, Lord and Master and virtually trained herself to live
to please me totally (had she ben human, one more item
would have been added to to this amazing list)...

Unbelievable as it may seem, she never howled, even at
Police or ambulance siren, and learned to do what she had
observed me expecting from her other much
so that, after we moved to the San Diego area, and she
ended up being my only remaining pet (for reasons too
long to share here and now)...she was so quiet that many
people would not believe that she actually lived with me...

On a couple of occasions when a careless cat would
wander into our yard, and, in seconds, she had it down
on its back under her (and once had a cat's head in her
jaw) my simple command: "FLOOZIE...NO!" sufficed to
have her let go, and run to my side, looking up at me,
breathing hard, as if to proudly say "Just for YOU, my
Leader".It is a known fact that NO DOG will "let go"
once they are in a fight and hold another animal in their
teeth...even when doused full force with a garden hose...

Whenever small children would adoringly yank her huge
tail, and occasionally ride on her back, she would never
even growl...instead, would turn around and give the little
one a lick/kiss..just to show me she loved "my kind"...

I learned to love, admire and respect deeply the unique
intelligence, sensitivity, ESP abilities (we would often
communicate by "locking eyes") and high value of all
Floozie, thus, All WOLVES...

...and URGE YOU to PLEASE read and JOIN ME by
responding to the attached appeal.

THANK YOU...and (now departed) FLOOZIE sends
you grateful thanks!



"Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife" wrote:
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:05:39 -0500 (EST)
From: "Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife"
Subject: FW: A Helping PAW for Wolves...

Jacques -- Over the last few weeks, you and more than 70,000 others have signed on as Citizen Cosponsors to vital wildlife-saving legislation that would finally end Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the Greater Yellowstone region. On Tuesday, I stood with our Alaska Program Director, Karla Dutton and others as Congressman George Miller (CA) formally introduced legislation that would do just that -- the Protect America's Wildlife (PAW) Act.

This is an important bill to Alaskans, so Karla has asked me to pass on her request to urge your Representative to sign on as an original legislative cosponsor of the PAW Act. Please read her message below and take action today to support this important new effort to save wolves.


Tell your Representative to become a cosponsor of the PAW Act today!

Rep. Miller’s PAW Act will help put an end to Alaska’s brutal aerial gunning program -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to the Lower 48.

Increase your impact -- forward this message on to 6 friends to let them know how to help!
Dear Wildlife Supporter,

My home state of Alaska has some of the most intact wild places and abundant wildlife in America -- but the Last Frontier is also home to a brutal reality: aerial hunting of wolves.

On Tuesday, Rep. George Miller (CA) introduced vital wildlife-saving legislation that could finally end Alaska’s brutal aerial hunting program. But he needs the support of your elected official to pass it.

You can help Congressman Miller and Alaskans like me to put an end to this horrific program once and for all -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to the Lower 48 States.

Write your Representative today! Tell him or her to become a cosponsor of the Protecting America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act -- vital legislation that will end Alaska’s brutal aerial hunting of wolves and stop similar programs in other states.

As summer ends, another deadly season of aerial hunting looms on the horizon in Alaska. Now, states like Wyoming and Idaho are planning to use this savage practice to slaughter wolves within their own borders.

That’s why we’re turning the national spotlight on this unnecessary and savage practice -- to end Alaska’s aerial hunting program and stop it from spreading elsewhere.

Tell your Representative to cosponsor the PAW Act today -- and put an end to unnecessary aerial hunting.

Already, more than 50,000 people have seen our web video about aerial hunting. More than 70,000 activists have signed on as Citizen Cosponsors of this legislation. And thousands have generously donated to help our campaign.

Help us win for our wolves. Write your elected official in the House. Tell him or her to cosponsor the PAW Act today.

With Rep. Miller’s PAW Act, we can stop Alaska’s slaughter from the skies -- and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the Greater Yellowstone region.

Thank you for all you do to protect wolves and other wildlife.

Karla Dutton
Alaska Program Director
Defenders of Wildlife

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.
Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
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Washington, DC 20036


Friday, September 21, 2007

I'M PAAAAA--ACK! (Complete with "his" accent!) :o)

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me."
Ann Landers

Happy First of Fall to you All!

Returned home late afternoon yesterday, after several
shopping stops for freah fruits and vegetables mainly.
(Since "they" were going to place and keep me on a
strict liquid diet: NOTHING non-transparent, even soup)
and I wasn't told "when" I would return to soft, then "regular"
foods, I had planned to, and did, consume all perishables
in my refrigerator before surgery---leaving it pretty empty).

As it turned out, after a few days in a hell hole (Scripps
Memorial Hospital in Chula Vista), I was transferred to
Castle Manor Convalescent facility, where I spent a month
TWO years ago (how time flies!) after my right shoulder
was broken.

By contrast to the above, here, old and new personnel
treated me royally. It was like visiting close, caring
relatives who always greet you cheerfully and can't do
enough to pamper you to wellness.

About my colon's cancerous tumor: it was removed on 9/4
together with some 25 lymph nodes and a chunk of the
ascending right section of my colon in whose center was
the tumor. The technique was (I did not master its proper
appellation) two 'holes' in the upper left side of my tummy,
and a larger semi-circle around my belly button. Amazing!
Guess my Surgeon was concerned about moi and the bikini
season! LOL

At any rate, not only did I survive, but both my Surgeon and
the Physician who first discovered the tumor during my
recent colonoscopy attribute the fact that, after three days
of waiting anxiously for the lab. tests results, all lymph
glands showed "negative", and the tumor was just a "stage B-2" incredible relief and "blessing'...a virtual "second chance"
at Life for me...

...both Doctors stated that practicing my deep self-hypnotic
"Modulations" 2-3 times daily (similar to those I had used
about 30 years ago to get rid of a goose-egg-sized-tumor
on my right lung and, as an extra "bonus" extensive tar
deposits from my prior heavy smoking days vanished as shown on the X-Ray I "stole", taken 13 days after
I started my mental regimen) must have had a definite
positive effect in keeping the cancer from spreading to
my lymph nodes...for which I am eminently grateful!

To their unusual acknowledgements (for Physicians who
"used to" shy away from believeing in or crediting self-
hypnosis or hypnosis for curative dynamics), and agreement
with their observations, I hereby also wish to express my
heartfelt Thanks to those of you who provided additional
supportive energies you sent my way:

* Rabbi Polichenco's special prayers;
* Paty B. for her loving messages and cards;
* Sheri N., Maria C.V., Jose Jacq., Stephen and Stormey,
Gil P., Edna P., my cousins Lenny and Lou, Jeff and Sheryl,
Pat H., Sacha B....for your kind words, cards and wishes...;
* Brennan S. for your inspired/inspiring messages;
* Rob H., Emilia C., Bennette K., Carmen B. for your visits,
comforting cheers and fun gifts;
* Rita deG. for your "Up" emails, cards and telephone call
all the way from Canada...
* And a Special accolade to my Good Friend Efren M.,
who drove me to the Hospital on the 4th., picked me up
and returned me here, shopped with me, visited me just
about daily, brought me items I needed , and invited me
to a unique concert by a singer/composer (American father,
Spanish mother) who moved to Mexico about 30 years ago:
Betsy Pecanins...Excellent concert at CECUT: Tijuana's
Cultural Center and Museum...classical Mexican and
Ranchera music...fusioned with old Jazz, Swing, Blues
(1920s & 30s era Ellingtonian++)...performed brilliantly by
the "Orquesta de Baja California", conducted by an
American, Jeff Nevin.

...THANK YOU ALL for your contributions to my getting over
the hurdles and aiding my fast recovery!

Food: within a week from the surgery, my Surgeon ordered
me switched to "Regular Diet" (I even got him to O.K. non-
alcoholic beer with lunch and dinner!);

(Occupational and Physical): During the two days
preceding my discharge, they gave me advanced tests to
check my equilibrium and balance and found that the latter
were too simplistic for me, as I earned a near-perfect score
in both areas...

Again, the synergistic effects of Self-Hypnosis and outside
support are to be credited...

Finally, those of you who sent me emails efter 9/4 until this
morning must know that, while the new Administrator at the
Convalescent Hospital agreed to let me use his laptop to
read my emails, he had to constantly take it out of the
building with him to use in making,
actually, I did not find your emails until just a while ago,
and some still need reading---Thanks anyway for staying
in touch.

Speaking of which: please stay in touch if/when you wish/
can...My list of "personal. close friends" must not have been
Sanforized, as it shrunk: I deleted all who enjoyed hearing
themselves read/hear their claims of friendship, but proved hard feelings...just an overdue readjustment.

So, you now belong to my "elite group", if it matters to you.
I honor, greet, thank and hug you. And, I am grateful to be



"When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude." (Elie Wiesel)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Stuffed Derma

Dear Readers,

Tomorrow, 9/4, I am to be operated...
During my last colonoscopy, "they" found a tumor in my large intestine...yes! it contained cancerous cells...(I asked my Physician if , while they're at it, perhaps they could also perform an optorectomy : an operation of the eyeball performed by going in through the removes one's shitty outlook on life!...) :o)

Since the following story relates to stuffed intestines, I felt it would be an appropriate one to share with you...LOL

At this point, I do not know when I'll next be sitting in front of my computer... however will catch up and rejoin you just as soon as I do.

Meantime, be well...and to my Jewish Friends: L'Shana Tova!



(From "Chabad Without Borders" - Courtesy Rabbi Mendel Polichenco.)

One day, the Kaiser of Austria came to visit the Czar of Russia...

A renowned mashpia (chassidic mentor) once told the following story.

The Kaiser of Austria came to visit the Czar of Russia. A state dinner with all the trimmings was served. One of the items on the menu was kishke, otherwise known as stuffed derma.

Real kishke is nothing like the "kishke" that is available at your local delicatessen. Real kishke is actually the intestines of the animal stuffed with flour and oil and all sorts of spices. I had it only once in my life when I was visiting Israel. I think it might even be illegal in the United States.

Enough of my food review. The bottom line is that kishke was served and the Kaiser loved it. He asked the Czar to send his cooks the recipe. The Czar graciously promised to do so. After the Kaiser's departure the Russian cooks wrote down the recipe and sent it via diplomatic mail to the Kaiser's chefs.

The day finally came when the Kaiser was informed that he would be served kishke. He sat down hungrily. Out came a tray. Phew! Did it stink! The Kaiser took off the cover from his plate and took a bite. He immediately spat out the piece and ordered the tray removed and the kishke thrown away.

A letter of official protest was immediately dispatched to the Czar. How dare he send a recipe for such a vile concoction! The Czar received the protest letter and summoned his cooking staff for an explanation.

Initially, the imperial kitchen staff was perplexed. They went over the recipe and could not find the problem. After quite some time and in a moment of inspiration, one of the staff exclaimed incredulously, "Of course! We told him how to stuff and spice the kishke, but we never realized that we needed to tell him to clean it out before he stuffs it!"

This story is a parable for teshuva, a.k.a. repentance. Often times we make firm resolutions for the future especially as we near the upcoming Days of Awe. As Rosh Hashanah approaches, we begin to think more and more about ways to improve.

The above story teaches us that, indeed, good deeds are important. However, resolutions are best when prefaced by an honest stocktaking in order to correct any areas in our behavior that need fixing. Otherwise even with all of the spices (good resolutions) in the world, a person may remain a stinking kishke...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

How To Heal A Broken Marriage

By Matthew Anderson, D. Min.
Updated: Saturday, September 1, 2007

How do you heal a broken marriage? After 35 years as a counselor, I have concluded that a broken marriage (a marriage in serious trouble) has the best chance of healing and recovery, if both partners follow five essential steps.

I have listed these steps below and have described them with simple, tough-minded language. If you follow them, you may well save your marriage, your hearts, your children and your pocketbook. I wish you and your partner the best. Go for it!

Five Essential Marriage Healing Steps Forgive the pun, but marriage is not a piece of cake, and most of us had little to no effective preparation for it. If you are having serious trouble making it work with your partner, you are not alone. Today in America, in our confusing and high stress culture, everyone has difficulty sooner or later with marriage.

The few who say they don’t are either lying or on medication. The issue is not whether we have problems, but whether we are committed with our partner to face and resolve them. If you are reading this article, then you may be among the blessed minority who can actually make this mystery work.

1. Admit there is a serious problem.

If one partner thinks the marriage is in trouble, then the marriage is in trouble. Too often, one partner suffers daily in an unhappy and even destructive relationship, while their spouse lives in denial and avoidance of the true state of affairs. When this is allowed to continue too long, the partner in pain runs the risk of imagining that she or he is the one with the problem. Trust me, this is never the case. It takes two people to make a successful marriage. It also takes two to mess one up.

2. Do not wait.

Most couples wait too long and too late to get help. They allow the resentment, hurt, confusion and anger to build to such enormous size that it is often overwhelming, and then give up without making a serious effort at fixing the problem. Sometimes, they finally see a counselor, but the pain is so intense that separation or divorce is the only alternative.

3. Get professional help.

If you have serious marital trouble, do not try to fix it yourself. If you knew how to fix it, it would be repaired already. Yes, it is difficult to sit down in front of a stranger and bare the most intimate parts of your relationship. Yes, it takes courage, but you cared enough to marry this person, and you made the effort to create a life together. You owe it to yourself to make a serious effort at healing.

A professional has experience, skills, insights and compassionate objectivity that can often make a massive positive difference. Don’t imagine that you know before hand what a professional will say or do. Give yourself a fighting chance, and give the pro the benefit of the doubt that she or he might actually be able to help you and your partner.

4. Be prepared to look at yourself.

Every partner in a troubled marriage is an expert on what is wrong with their spouse. This information is certainly useful, but it is only half the problem. If you don’t learn to identify and take responsibility for your equal contribution to your marital difficulties, then you will be almost guaranteed to fail.

5. Be prepared to grow.

Healing a marriage can actually make it better than it was before, if you see the difficulties as a valuable opportunity for growth. Growth, in this case, usually means learning to love your self, love another person, growing up and being mature, learning decent communication skills and changing destructive thinking and behavior.

Whether your marriage heals or not, these goals and attributes are worth the effort. Your world, your work and your relationships will all benefit from this growth. You have nothing to lose and quite a lot to gain.

I am sure you know the sad statistics about marriage and divorce. Currently, over 50 percent of marriages don’t make it. What these statistics do not reveal is this: Working on it seriously increases your chance of success. You can make a life-changing decision today. You can decide to be someone who gives yourself and your marriage a real chance at becoming whole and happy. Simply follow the steps described above with all your heart, mind and soul. Miracles do happen -- and they happen especially to those who are committed to growth.

God bless you both on your journey together.

Matthew Anderson, D. Min., is a counselor, organizational consultant, seminar leader and the author of books and tapes that can help you overcome your obstacles to well-being.