Sunday, October 07, 2007


Volumes have been spoken and written on the subject of VISUALIZATION.

And, when properly done, especially repeatedly for a while (which may vary with the intensity and deep sincerity of desire of the practitioner), this technique has earned countless success stories and achieved virtual miracles.

One of the basic ingredients in the formula is one which every one of us possesses: IMAGINATION.

Ditto for another one: EMOTIONS…Feelings…

Another still is FAITH, the ability to BELIEVE deeply, as in God, for instance.

Obviously, Visualizations are an intrinsic part of the exercises practiced during my Seminars Trainings, The I.D.S. (Inner Dimensions Seminars) and S.L.I.M. For Life © which incorporates many techniques taught in the first series, plus a special emphasis on conscious diet-and-drugs-free weight management that can successfully last for life.

Before proceeding any further, it is important for you to acknowledge that the SUBconscious portions of the brain are the areas which respond to and render effective (“make come true”) that which we visualize.

While repetitious verbal messages such as “goals”, plans and other desired end results read aloud will eventually materialize…depending on how well you incorporate all the necessary components mentioned above, it could conceivably take weeks or more before you can begin to notice progress or changes.

A far better and quicker “sort-cut” is to instruct your powerful “Inner God” with precise, accurate images, scenes, graphic illustrations of exactly how, what and the way your ideal outcome looks and feels in your mind’s eye.

This type of guided imagery is THE true language of the sub-conscious brain…one it instantly understands and to which it will respond more promptly.

It is imperative for you to realize that this is one of many applications of “junk in/ junk out”. For your sub-conscious will give you exactly that which your visualizations fed and programmed into it.

This is why you must be very accurate and cautious whenever you create those specific images in the process of formulating your ultimate, desired end results.

For you to mentally focus upon, view clearly and in full detail every nuance of your strong desire, and FEEL as intimately as you can just the way you would feel, were what you are visualizing real…had it already happened and were you actually living and fully experiencing it now.

The more Faith…Trust…Belief you can inject into this dynamic mental exercise, the better you may expect to succeed dramatically well.

For these strong support elements help render your visualizations appear and feel real and as “faits accomplis” (accomplished facts… foregone conclusions).

I recommend that you begin experimenting or reinforcing your ongoing visualizations with “simple” projects. As soon as you see the amazing results that you will have created, practice will make you perfect and you will be on your way to undertaking and succeeding in materializing more and more meaningful feats.

Amongst countless amazing victories in your personal, social, business endeavors, you may produce spiritual, health, well-being and other life “miracles”. Such as a couple I shared in recent posts, dealing with how my visualizations helped me and others eliminate malignant tumors and like awesome tours de force.

I wish you many rewarding Successes!...and, feel free to contact me personally if you wish or need an additional boost.

Your Friend in Wellness,



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