Monday, October 22, 2007

A New Week...and San Diego County Is ON FIRE!


Here are a few tidbits, some in answer to your kind concerns regarding my health, etc...

I am progressing well and fairly painlessly---a new Lady Doctor, Dr. Norton, an Oncologist, seemed pleased with what her initial exam showed---she had her nurse take a blood test for possible cancer cells or elements that trigger them---will call her tomorrow to find out what she found. She also agrees that deep self-hypnosis and Positive input does help and has in my case.

Eversince I woke up this morning (Sunday), I started cussing "those slobs who are still burning their garbage", as the air smelled that way ---turns out that the Santa Ana winds (gusts to 50-75 MPH) have stirred up a couple of major fires, one of which was triggered by a fallen electric pole near the 78 Freeway.

I shall describe highlights of "the happenings" in San Diego County, for those no longer there, who know the layout of the land...

Just saw an update on TV---Heavily involved are: (It is now Monday A.M).---the "couple" is now Eight BIG ones, involving North County mainly...

Ramona...Jamul...Santa Isabel...(and even Poway, whose Hospital is now being evacuated, as a precaution, as fires to the NorhWest may threaten it due to high winds-with gusts to 50-75 MPH- which did not recede overnight---making fire-fighting most difficult: several areas are 0% contained!...fires "jumping" eratically due to the winds, also caused by the fierce flames...

Escondido, Del Dios, Lake Hodges area, Rancho Bernardo, Otay Lakes, Pomerado, Campo, Steele Canyon, Harris, Portrero, Tecate...

MANY horse ranches (one man had barely brought out of harm's way two of his 22 prize horses...and could not return to try to rescue more, nor his dogs, as a wall of fire suddenly blocked his way...etc...)

Over 100,000 acres have burned thus far...250,000 people evacuated or urged to...many properties gone...with no way to know what is next...

On "60 minutes" a scientist being interviewed mentioned that global warming has definitely affected and triggered many fires during seasons and in areas rarely or never before involved.

Such as mountain Colorado, for instance, the most resitant Ponderosa pines went up in flames like kindling...One percent of warming = 4 times more fires, as leaves and brush dry out fast...creating hotter fires...He predicts that, within the next 50-100 years, over HALF of the forests in the SouthWest may be
gone...and will not be capable of growing back for centuries, if ever!

If I may think out loud for a such as these, added to the human turmoils and carnages by Muslim and other global terrorists have caused me to seriously consider the possibility that my "favorite" religion's predictions (Jehovah 's Witnesses )lol... in their "Revelations" and "The End" may be at hand after all...

Well, if this hasn't depressed you enough...turn on your TV News... Be Well, and make this a Good Week!

"If you are going through hell...keep going." (Winston Churchill)




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