Sunday, March 30, 2008

12 Great Binge Busters!

By Dr. Susan Mendelsohn
eDiets Psychologist
Updated: June 6, 2006
So often we judge ourselves based on our physical self. This means we are judging ourselves according to our height, weight, body proportions, smile, posture, nails, breasts, hair texture, appetite, and so on.

We must learn to accept those things about ourselves that we cannot change. When we dwell on those aspects we don’t like, we breed negative thinking. This means we are setting ourselves up for failure, either through self-starvation or bingeing. When we learn to accept ourselves for the attributes we possess instead of fighting them all the way, we stop wasting energy on something we cannot change.

When we think about ourselves, it is important to see the big picture. YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR PHYSICAL BEING. YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT THE SCALE SAYS!

This preoccupation with negative perceptions and the number on the scale is what typically sets most people up for eating disturbances. Begin thinking of yourself as the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual, psychological, assertive, career person that you truly are. All of these aspects determine who you are, not just your physical self, and especially not the scale!

When looking at your physical self, you must include looking into your lifestyle -- your health and eating habits, not just your weight in pounds. You must understand that some of your physical self IS a result of genetics, and cannot be changed no matter how hard you try. You must accept this and work on those things that you CAN change.

In order to prevent a possible eating disorder, or even a lifetime of ups and downs, your goals should include a lifestyle of eating that you can follow for the rest of your life, not just on a temporary basis. If you’ve been on a lot of “diets” before, you know the pain of yo-yoing, and you know that “diets” don’t work in the long run.

You must learn to incorporate not only the nutritional components into your program but the emotional aspects that drive you to overeat. The food plan alone will only frustrate you. When used in combination with emotional healing and physical fitness, this holistic approach will help prevent eating disorders and other food-related difficulties.

You want to choose a lifestyle of eating that you can continue for the rest of your life. Most people cannot be on a restrictive diet forever. Depriving yourself of your wants is just another way of setting yourself up for a binge. I have listed below some general tips for healthier living.

1. Structure your eating to include three meals a day with two or three snacks in between. The more you structure yourself, the less likely you will be to binge and the less obsessed you will become with food. Eating the small snacks between meals will increase your metabolism and keep your blood sugar levels balanced, thus allowing you to function at optimal levels throughout your day.

2. Limit the fat you consume.

3. Do not use drugs and alcohol. These will only increase your desire for high fat foods.

4. Read labels on the food products you consume. The American Heart Association recommends that you get no more than 30 percent of your total calories from fat.

5. Avoid trigger foods. These are foods that when you eat a little they make you crave a lot more. Be aware of which foods are emotional
triggers for you. Once you gain this insight, you can learn ways to manage those emotions in the absence of food.

6. Think of “plenty” rather than deprivation. Know that you are choosing a healthy lifestyle rather than a deprivation of eating. The more you think you are depriving yourself, the easier it is to binge. Deprivation and
punishment is NOT the way to lose weight. Food is abundant and plentiful. It will be there when you need it to fuel your body.

7. Be AWARE of what you are eating. Many people eat while watching TV, driving a car, talking on the phone, working at the computer and so on. When you are conscious of your intake, you will eat less, savor it more, and enjoy the process, rather than inhaling your food. Allow yourself to eat only at the dining table.

8. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals makes you believe that at your next meal you can eat twice as much because you have been “good.” This is a
surefire way to set yourself up for a binge. The hunger that you feel after skipping a meal or snack sets you up to eat more and eat faster. Eating frequently takes less control than not allowing yourself to eat. As a result, you don’t lose control and you most likely will not binge.

9. Once a binge has occurred, take note as to what caused it. ---

10. During a binge, try to be aware that you are binging and make an attempt to stop after you become aware of your behavior.

11. Once you recognize why you are binging, take steps to prevent a binge in the first place.

12. Plan ahead about how you will feel eating certain foods works. Visualize how you will feel by refusing those foods. The visualization is preparation for the future.
You must remember that changing thoughts, feelings and behaviors takes time. Work through this process slowly. Success is a journey, not a destination! Enjoy the ride.

.Dr. Susan Mendelsohn is a licensed psychologist who works with a variety of addictions and specializes in managing eating disorders. In addition to teaching and maintaining a private practice, she counsels eDiets members online. Got a question for the doctor? Feel free to email her at .


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