Monday, August 25, 2008

Eat and Drink yourself into Flat Abs

By Shawn McKee

You bend and turn, twist and burn, all in an effort to lose that gut, but your pooch persists. But what can you do?

Look at the food you're feeding your body and replace some of the belly busters with slimming stomach staples (as in crucial diet ingredients, not invasive surgery fasteners). You know you can't eat 4,000 calories a day and get great abs, but it's not just about the calorie count when it comes to a flat stomach - it's also about the food.

"All things being equal, if your daily caloric intake is set at 1,400 calories, a diet of nutrient-rich foods is going to keep you fuller longer, reducing your cravings and giving you more energy, compared to the same number of calories of less nutritious food, which will help you on your road to a better body," says Tracey Ryan, MS, RD.

According to a report from the experts at Framingham Nutrition Studies, certain foods lend themselves to bigger bellies. The study reported that women who ate 400 fewer calories per day, but chose less nutritious foods than the participants that made better selections, had a higher risk of abdominal obesity by nearly 2 1/2 times. Those making poor food selections also had a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart attacks according to the study's director of nutrition research.

The five foods you'll need for flatter abs will help you be healthier and leaner, plus, you'll be pleasantly surprised by some of the suggestions. Now start eating yourself skinny!

(To be continued in our next Post)


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