Saturday, August 09, 2008

Simplify your life...

Happy start of 08-08-08: Chinese Valentine's Day AND Breathtaking XXIXth Olympics opening ceremonies! ---and now:

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed? Do you find yourself praying for an easier way to manage your career, relationships or life in general?

As unmanageable as your hectic life appears, there are ways to get everything done and still have time for you:

1. Hire help. Too many people tell me, "I just don't have the money." Guess what? If you need your clothes dry cleaned, you hire a cleaner to do so. It's a matter of weighing the costs and benefits. If you do it yourself, you may end up using up valuable time and energy that could have been spent getting other work completed.

Let me share a personal story. When I bought my first home, I thought I would finally be crafty. I purchased a television/stereo stand in raw wood and planned to sand and stain it myself -- you know, to save money! Long story short: getting it out of the car, I tore the car's leather interior on both sides. I accidentally spilled the mahogany stain on my brand new living room carpet, and I broke the glass on the stand. Trying to do this myself not only ended up costing me more money than buying a new piece of furniture, but I wasted lots of time and became very frustrated. I had to learn my lesson the hard way.

2. Do one thing at a time. It's nearly impossible to do everything at once and do it well. If you are on a business call, focus. If you are working on a report, focus on that and nothing else.

I often find myself attempting to multi-task and believing I can do it all. One or more responsibilities end up getting half-done or completed under par. To remedy this, I write a list of everything I need to get done. Once it's in writing, I can stay focused on one thing at a time without my mind wandering to all of the other things I need to get done.

3. Take a message. Screen your phone calls if need be. It's time to change your thinking about the phone. If you are "working" on something important, you do not have to feel obligated to answer the phone. You have a right to take care of your needs before the needs of others. In the event of an emergency, let your friends and family know to ring once and then call back (or some other code that you can work out).

4. Don't obsess over cleanliness. Yes, keeping your surroundings clean and organized is important. However, if you are one who cannot seem to see the forest for the trees, you'll get nothing accomplished. Pick and choose what is important now.

5. Prioritize. Not everything is important right now. Take time to plan what you are doing. Figure out the amount of time each task will take you to accomplish. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Keep your goals for each day attainable. Make sure you measure your success on a daily basis.

6. Simplify your social life. A social life is of utmost importance. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed, don't arrange an elaborate dinner party. Instead, have a few friends over for a casual brunch, a football party or a catered get-together. The connection between you and your friends is more essential than a lavish extravaganza.

7. Take a break.
Your body, just like your car, deserves to be refueled. You simply cannot do it all if you haven't replenished your energy source. Take a bath, exercise, meditate, watch your favorite program on television or engage in your favorite hobby. These activities are essential to include in your daily master plan.

Changing the way you think about things will change the way you manage your life. Give it a go! You'll be surprised at how much more relaxed you can feel while still being productive. Best of all, you'll find that you do have the time to have a life after all. And: don't overlook the indirect health benefits of following this revised lifestyle: blood pressure, heart, weight, peace of mind...

08-08-08 HAPPINESS, GOOD FORTUNE and a Great Weekend to you and yours! Your Friend,



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