Sunday, December 28, 2008

How I quit smoking three packs a day and dropped pounds!

As I do whenever I share with you articles and other news items of interest and hopefully also value: this contribution from the reputable WebMD Experts reminds me that ALL Expert advice and reports must be taken with a grain of salt.

The reason is simple: too many of their "written in granite" thoughts, purported findings and other inspired revelations end up being retracted, apologized for and, generally, forced to be reconsidered as erroneous. And make the headlines in the printed and electronic media before they are shoved under the old proverbial rug.

The problem is that countless human lives were ill-affected - too many terminally -by the red-faced "Oooops!--we goofed!!!" Titled Experts---leaving oodles of their trusting followers in the dust of their "slight miscalculations and mistakes"...

Apparently, this particular part of the article strongly "hit home" with me. And reawakened my dozing objective convinction that ALL "Expert Formulae" are a notch above grandma tales, superstitions and gossip-mongering---

What is my point? Simply this: after having been a three-pack-per-day cigarette smoker for several years (at a time when this was "fashionable")---on a hot day while I was motivating a roomfull of some thirty college students hired by a large marketing firm---one bright fellow spoke up.

He remarked, "Dr. Girard---O.K., you did a great job demonstrating that our subconscious brain is Way stronger, wiser, than most left brain conclusions---and Can perform virtual Miracles as compared to generally accepted logical and reasonable Scientific "facts".

It is about 101 degrees outside and, to prove that WE CAN control our environment and personal Universe by "resetting our mental thermostat" to a comfortable temperature by which WE decide to be affected---

A while ago, to "drive your point home", you turned Off the air conditioning---and it must be about 130 degrees in here by now---a virtual pizza oven!---(Incidentally, the boys had removed their shirts and T-shirts---were bare chested and the girls wished they could too---and I was wearing a wool business suit, shirt and tie---All my students were "sweating like pigs" and my forehead was merely a bit oily)---

"O.K." continued my heckler, "you got us convinced that you are in full control of the temperature inside and out of your body!---BUT, IF you are so good, How come you are behaving like a nervous wreck: there is a cigarette butt smoldering in your ashtray---and you just lit another one, choking us all to death?"

WOW! Talk about being hit smack in the face with this Brilliant and well deserved observation!---A perfect illustration of "DO as I SAY--but NOT as I DO!"---He caught me with my hand in the cookie jar! LOL

This is where I had a major decision to make. Weeks ago, I actually had decided that it was time for me to quit my filthy habit (that gave me so much pleasure, however).
Yes! HABIT!---for I realized that I was addicted to nicotine!!!

The revelation came one rainy day when I asked my secretary to go buy me a couple of cartons of Parliaments (in a box) across the street, at the local Italian delicatessen/ grocery store.

As it turned out, they were sold out, so she headed for the next supplier: a store five blocks away. By the time she came out with my bounty, it had started to rain. So she ran back to the office, arriving drenched. And all I could think of was "did my cigarettes get wet?" ---then feeling relieved to see them safely wrapped in a plastic bag. Never for a moment did I even notice or care about her discomfort: a classical selfish attitude common amongst addicts. No guilt. No shame. Nothing is as important as getting their next fix!

THIS is when I had decided "Enough!"---not to speak of the foul breath, the stench on my expensive clothes, the curtains, the couch at home---and the smell of unwiped butt on my right index and "up yours" fingers!!---

So, when my smart alecky apprentice publicly challenged me as he did, I was faced with choosing between "quitting tomorrow or some other time" and 'NOW"!---between my self-indulgence and risking the loss of faith, trust, respect and confidence which I had earned up 'till now from thirty young lives---risking to turn them all into skeptics who would never trust again, once I would allow myself to have clay feet!

I opted for sublimating the "moi" for "the many"---and take the responsibility we all owe to our fellow-humans. I decided to transcend momentary and ephemeral selfish pleasures for lasting altruistic multiple meaningful benefits.

So, seriously scared (as, professionally speaking, I had never had to do anything as Big, Drastic and Permanent as conquering this Monster up until now)---I made the following brazen COMMITMENT, as I extinguished the smoldering butt in the ashtray---put out the cigarette I had lit a little while ago---and lit a new one:

"My are seeing me light the last cigarette I'll ever smoke in my life---and I propose to have a long life!---
---Furthermore, to prove that gaining weight after you quit smoking, especially "cold turkey" as I am doing here today is just another grandma tale---
---and I firmly believe that I will Not gain any weight at all ---I have No intention of going on any kind of conscious diet incidentally, and I don't expect that my hand will be any less steady than it is now (and I stretched out my right arm, hand flat, all fingers extended straight out)---so, when we break for lunch, we'll go find a scale---have you all witness me weighing myself and, next week when we meet again, return to the same scale and see what I weigh then---fair enugh?". They cheerfully agreed.

And here comes the kicker---having never done anything like this before, I was both a bit nervous and had NO idea how to go about achieving what I promised them I would!

So, as I was slowly enjoying my last cigarette , I did a deep Self-hypnosis, Open Eyed Modulation (a term I coined after months of research, to best define my proprietary induction techniques). Once I reached a certain dimension of depth, I strongly mentally appealed for permanent smoke cessation without subsequent weight gain from my Divine Self, my Powerful Subconscious Mind...I invested all the Faith, Belief, Trust, Confidence and advance Gratitude that I could muster...focused on visualizing, feeling, enjoying the fresh, clean, agreeable smell of smoke-Free clothes...not craving a cigarette ever
again...being physically fit... and other most positive imageries which I get into in great detail during my "Smoke Cessation Without Weight Gain or Trading Off for Another Addiction" Seminars...

After I finished the morning session, the Company secretary (who had called several local drug and other stores, Doctors' offices, etc.) brought me the location of a scale I'd be allowed to use. And so, yours truly and "the gang" proceded to that location. I told the Pharmacist they were my body guards :o)--- I must have looked like the proverbial pied piper followed by all the little (b)rats! LOL

After lunch, having thrown away the rest of my box of cancer sticks, the new experience and the suddenness of the unexpected lifestyle change which I had just implemented began to gradually sink in.

This being an unprecedented, hard to believe "First" (for me and definitely for the skeptical others) I was mildly curious about whether or not I had indeed permanently kicked my habit, and mentally monitored my moment-to-moment self-talk and inner stability as I continued training my wards. I was sure that at least a few of them were equally watching for signs of discomfort, irritability, anxiety, automatically reaching out for another cigarette, and the like. None of the above occurred!

By the start of the following week's class, I still had not smoked nor thought nor dreamt of "needing or craving a smoke". The latter would have definitely been proof of longing for, missing and desiring my cigarettes. This was significant and amazed anyone with whom I shared "the latest"... pleased and made me feel proud to boot.

At lunchtime, as planned earlier, we all caravaned to the Drug store with the scale. The "OH!"s and the "WOW!"s of my students were the rewarding cherry on top of this exciting cake, as the scale revealed that, since last week, I now weighed exactly SIX and A HALF POUNDS LESS!---Without ANY form of restrictive diet or change in my eating habits!

THIS is but ONE example of the virtually limitless POWERS and CAPABILITIES of "The God Within" each and every one of us owns and operates: that awesome Subconscious brain!

Since then, I was privileged to return to this Magic Arena and effectuate amazing cures, including cancers (two of which on myself!), bleeding ulcers, and more.

I used one of my well-researched and tested methods of Autogenic (self-produced and controlled) Mind Mastery. Never any drugs or synthetics. Sadly enough, many scientific Experts issue statements and other die-hard claims that negate what "we" practice (and I teach) as being a bunch of hogwash and impotent baloney.

Conversely, the "Medical" statement made in yesterday's transcript (about smoking and the "fact" that quitting will invariably cause you to gain weight) apparently belongs more to generation to generation folkloric naive, superstitious, ignorant, uninformed fanatical beliefs.

Does my own "living proof" that smokers are NOT doomed to get fat by quitting belong in the annals of "Believe It Or Not" together with other recorded weird, unexplainable, controversial issues of major importance or interest?---entities that are diametrically opposed to what the dictates of the "Experts' who earn their keep by touting their "Absolute Truths"?

Fortunately, after several decades of frustrating and fruitless attempts to gain the recognition, the respect (due to fellow professionals who have achieved remarkable, verifiable positive results), the cooperation and the approval of the Medical profession--- in 2008, not one but THREE Physicians have shown to believe in the fact that our ethical practice and input can and does succesfully synergize with theirs!---one of whom recently confirmed this in a written statement on his letterhead, acknowledging the impressive therapeutic effects which my self-Hypnosis produced in the case of my colon cancer last year !!

I am scheduled to meet with the other two Physicians right after New Year. One of them actually addresses large live audiences and declares his own support of the alternative medical benefits of professional hypnosis.

I visualize a NEW year during which bridges can be built between our two Healing Arts: one, verifiable in Laboratories and under microscopes and ours which more mysteriously taps into the accumulated reservoirs of ageless pragmatic Knowledge and Wisdom which some call "The Ether".

In these times of great turmoil, economic and many other stressful dark clouds hovering menacingly over all of our heads---I look forward to a new dawn of close collaboration between the Medical Profession and Hypnotherapy, to benefit immensely the Health, Well-being and Save Lives of Millions of individuals around the Globe!

This fervent Wish and Goal transcends many other "New Year's Resolutions" which are important in their own right, nevertheless pale when compared to the far reaching impacts of my Reconstructive Vision!

Wishing all of you a HAPPY, HEALTHY,DAFE, PROSPEROUS and FULFILLED 2009!

Love and Peace from your Friend,



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