Monday, December 22, 2008

How to Flatten that Belly Without formal diet or exercise.

Isometrics used to be WWII's most effective "exercise" invented and taught by a British Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) Officer whose name escapes me (how soon they forget! LOL).

It was so effectual, in effect (pardon the pun), that it soon spread to many military units, as it empowered the Allied troups to successfully "exercise" in confined environments.

All that is required is to (as repetitiously as you comfortably can or care to---Except during and for about an hour or so after meals) do the following simple isometric big gut reducer.

While standing, walking, sitting, reclining...Take a good, slow, deep breath and Hold it while you SUCK IN your stomack and HOLD IT IN for a count of "Thousand One, Thousand Two...Thousand Five".

Slowly release the stale air through your mouth, blowing it out completely. This will also serve to RELAX you, reduce tension, anxiety, eliminate toxins and lower your blood pressure. (This extra side benefit should come as good news to those of you who are overweight and whose B.P. is probably on the High side).

If it is not convenient for you to do the above breathing portion of today's health tip, then just SUCK IN that stomach so you can feel it flattening, spreading out and gradually squeezing out the excess fat... and hold for 5-6 seconds each time.

That's about all there is to it my good friends!

All I ask is that you keep sucking in your stomack daily...but do not sabotage yourself by gorging yourself during the Holidays and beyond!

ENJOY and drink until you are physically satiated...but never beyond (such as yielding to the tempting Signals of your Emotional/ Neurotic False hunger pangs)...and form a great new habit of learning to faithfully "listen" to your Inner Voice that Is Always Accurate! (A superb "New Year's Resolution, no?)...

Does this mean that I just gave you some advice? :o)

HAPPY, PEACEFUL, SAFE HOLIDAYS, my suck-it-in Friends!



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