Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's your craving personality? Take our quiz and find out!

1. A friend gives you a small box of exquisite chocolates. You count them and think, I can make these last for two weeks if I have one a day. Then you:

a. Set aside a few minutes every evening to sit in your favorite chair and enjoy one piece of chocolate. It's a great two weeks.
b. Eat one, then later in the day, another couple. The box lasts a week.
c. Have one, then another...whoops, it's 10 minutes later and they're gone.
2. At the last big cookout, your hosts served all kinds of salty goodness in great big salad bowls. You:

a. Scooped some guacamole onto a plate, counted out 15 chips, and really enjoyed them.
b. Realized, after your third handful, that you'd put away so many calories you were already into the next day's allotment, so you got yourself a glass of diet soda.
c. Were so engrossed in conversation, you're really not sure how many you ate.
3. You're at the mall, where the air is infused with the scent of baking cinnamon buns. You're finding it very hard to resist, so you:

a. Enjoy the smell, but hurry on to the kitchenware store.
b. Buy one, cut it in half, and share with your shopping companion (or, if you're alone, save it for breakfast the next morning).
c. Buy one and try to eat half, but before you've reached the kids' clothing outlet, you've eaten the whole thing.
4. You ordered a salad with grilled chicken and your friends are splitting a pizza, which looks and smells delicious. You:

a. Enjoy your salad but ask for a few more Parmesan shavings to feed your cheese craving.
b. Pick at the half slice your friends left.
c. Order a slice for yourself.
5. It's been a busy week. On Friday afternoon, you're exhausted, so you:

a. Take a brisk walk or meditate for about 10 minutes.
b. Head down to the kitchen, cafeteria, or vending machines for a cup of coffee and some crackers and cheese.
c. Buy a chocolate bar and eat it.
6. There's a slab of coconut layer cake in the fridge from yesterday's birthday party. You are:

a. So busy you've completely forgotten it's there.
b. Aware you're thinking too much about it, so you get engrossed in mah-jongg on the computer.
c. So totally obsessed with the thought of it, you cut yourself a slice.

If Your Answers Were Mostly A's: You have it under control. You can safely sample $60-a-pound chocolates and still lose weight. But if you occasionally need help resisting temptation, check out the "Give In" tips.

If Your Answers Were Mostly B's: You're clearly not a mindless eater (that's good), but you sometimes bite off more than you should be chewing. You can follow the "Give In" advice unless there are particular foods that call to you. If so, familiarize yourself with the "Give It Up" tips.

If Your Answers Were Mostly C's: You have a tendency to go one truffle over the line, so you need to stick with the "Give It Up" advice until you master the tricks for staying in control.

Courtesy: newsletter

Have a Great weekend!


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