Sunday, March 18, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...

Before you launch onto more frustrating, ineffective, disappointing, costly (in monies, time and possibly health), new or fad diets, I urge you to consider carefully the following breakdown of the main features of our "S4L": short for S.L.I.M. For Life (c).

Do some free of charge "comparison shopping", a reality check of comparing "Subliminal" Weight Loss tapes/CDs with what S.L.I.M. For Life © has to offer (including Fully Guaranteed Satisfaction, or Full Refund…and a long track record of successful outcomes with lasting benefits). Check other "weight loss" programs' claims, tempting offers, "promises", clever advertisements and other motivators to send you reaching for your wallet or credit card holder.

To start with, benefiting from the NO dieting, NO pills or shots, NO backbreaking exercising, simple daily practice laid out for you by the S.L.I.M. For Life (c) techniques...once you actually see, feel, acknowledge your own initial signs of steady progress, followed by easy, comfortable and permanent maintenance, it’s like a snowball rolling simply can’t be STOPPED!


1- NONE of our S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © (the title we coined for our original, proprietary, deep self-hypnotic inductive exercises) recorded on our audio-tapes and/or CDs use the "subliminal" technology.

In the latter, the Hypnotist’s voice is inaudible: only sounds, such as music, ocean waves, etc. are heard… which may be pleasant and soothing…but the listener (You) has NO idea WHAT is actually being "fed into" your extremely receptive, thus vulnerable, Subconscious Memory Bank...even if/when the audio cassette or CD is accompanied by a "transcript" of the text, which is hard-to-impossible to verify (since it cannot be heard when listening to the recording in your waking state of mind!).


Once "inside": ALL which is allowed to infiltrate and penetrate into your subconscious brain (as fully explained in our section on the BRAIN) stays there permanently. If the data which is allowed to infiltrate is being dispensed by a less than formally trained and Certified Professional who is totaly ethical, conscientious, dedicated and could contain counter-productive, potentially harmful, self-defeating and other negative influences. Your thinking, feelings, speach, behavior patterns and consequential manifestations could be affected (or ill-affected)… for life!

NOTE: We are NOT saying or implying that this IS the case with ALL "subliminal’" weight loss tapes. However , without "really knowing" or being able to hear every word of WHAT IS being said to you: who can tell whether negative elements are present and, if so, to what degree you may be risking getting harmed? And, after all, to some people, "some mistakes are too much fun to make only once"… so a "domino effect" of problems could, conceivably, result.

2- In our taped Modulations, you hear every word, every nuance, every inductive direction (our formula for facilitating successful and easy self-hypnosis) : word/images, sentences used to guide you and gently help you relax and drift off into that "special place" of your choice…and obtain all the results which you desire and seek to attain.

3- Repeated instructions are given to your subconscious mind to start the healthy, beneficial, safe process of activating your subconscious brain-controlled metabolism, to speed up the burning off all excess, unwanted, unhealthy, unsightly fat, calories and inches…day and night!

Best of all: without any drugs, herbal remedies, supplements and other "quick-fix" pills, capsules or potions of questionable effectiveness and safety, such as are constantly being "pushed" at high cost and risk (*)

Did you know that ALL of these that do work, and many that haven’t yet been "invented" and produced by Pharmaceutical Companies, already exist and have been available for ages "Direct" from your Subconscious Brain’s Advanced Laboratories!

If and When you Need any of them you will find that your Brain’s endless and timeless resources will automatically release into your system its necessities the proper strength and amounts... FREE of charge (and the headaches of seeking a refund are no longer needed) through the practiced applications of your S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations ©...and This Is Definitely So!

(*) In July, 2004, a shocking "FLASH!" was sent throughout the Media: The ‘famous’ multi-million $$ in monthly sales MetaboLife is but the latest in a series of diet potions ordered off the market by U.S. Consumer Protection Agencies…and its Founder, Michael Ellis indicted for criminal misrepresentation : denying and withholding on the label’s ingredients list the fact that his world-renowned and advertised as "safe" product actually contains Ephedra : a dangerous and potentially lethal chemical banned by the FDA pursuant to several deaths, including that of athletes and otherwise "healthy" individuals’ abreactions to the drug...(More in our next Post)