Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Vast Importance of Self-Discipline

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

To honor the great self-discipline of the valiant American troops who liberated me and millions of others from the Nazi occupation in my native Belgium during WWII, I wish to dedicate the following to you, my dear readers, this Memorial Day weekend, 2007.

"In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves. Self-discipline with all of them came first."
(Harry Truman, 33rd US President )

It is understood that “men” is generic for “women, girls, boys, you and me”…and “discipline” is germane to “control”, meant to be implemented and demonstrated by oneself.

It is composed of a rich mix of essential ingredients which include deep conviction, sincerity, a strong sense of purpose, determination, positive thinking, motivation, stick-to-it-iveness, persistence, truthfulness, dependability, reliability, integrity, self-respect (*), focus, unshakable resolve, the firm acceptance of personal responsibility…and I may be forgetting a few more building blocks which forge that precious entity called “character” and “personality”.

Each of these components takes dedicated developmental efforts on one’s part, just as repetitions of specific exercises are required if one is to build up, strengthen, maintain and tone one’s physical muscular structure.

(*) Self-respect, respect to and from others, like love or driver’s licenses, are not "due" anyone as birthrights. They must be earned by sustained, daily practice and nurturing maintenance.

If this formula sounds discouraging , as it appears to be “too much work”, stringent, demanding…and more than it may be worth to the uncaring, uninvolved, lazy, apathetic, dependent followers and losers of society: my sincere regrets! It is one thing to believe in Santa Claus and the tooth Fairy when one is a child. Adult pragmatic realities are another.

Yet, early childhood is also the time of life when sound, loving, aware, responsible parents are expected to firmly and gently instill, teach, show daily, preferably by personal examples, how to acquire, build, harness and turn into a lifelong habit all the above described qualities.

Once they become an automatic way of life, they are as simple, easy, automatic and natural as is the process of breathing or blinking.

If you were not privileged to have parents, teachers or other role models to guide you, who possessed and practiced the leadership elements shared herein, cheer up: it is never too late to start !

Remember that, to form a new habit, or get rid of an existing, old one no longer wanted or beneficial, takes as little as twenty-one consecutive days of conscious repetitive and relatively effortless actions.

I could not think of honoring all the known and unknown heroes of Past times and events better than by sharing these heartfelt thoughts, visions and roadmaps for the Future.

This simple, yet powerfully productive system will gladly be shared with you upon request. All you need to do is advise me of your interest, either through a “comment” in this post, or by emailing me at: . There will be no charge for this service.

You may further like to know that it was the major foundation which helped produce the unprecedented ZERO recidivism results for all fifty-seven paroled prison inmates who successfully graduated from my STOP CRIME Seminars series © (for at least a full year after their release), as described in the “About the Author” sections.

Bear in mind that the said formula was not conceived for the ‘criminal mind’. It is every bit as effective for anyone who sincerely desires to change negatives into positives and turn their lives around by 180 degrees within a relatively short time span.

I firmly believe that the late F.D.R.’s U.S.Government trained the WWII GIs well in boot camp and subsequently, for which I am personally eternally grateful this Memorial Day!

Your Caring Friend,


About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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