Saturday, July 28, 2007

The story of a week

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
Hi, all!

This last week rushed by like a leaf in a windstorm…

My computer had been gradually misbehaving for some time, slowing down to a crawl. (Had it moved any slower, it would have been going in reverse!)…

A couple of weeks ago, after being on for an hour or so, inside the tower, a series of “click-click, click-click, click-clicks” started catching my attention…emphasized by the robot grinding down to a halt.

A technician friend of mine came over and determined that my hard drive was about to breathe its last breath, and I advised me that I need to buy a new one…

I started making frantic calls to various and sundry expert techies, ending up at the beginning: the place where I had purchased this computer++ about four years ago.

Here, Koc Lay Fong, the Manager and a friend of mine, began testing..inserted the new 160 Gig. Cassette, struggled to save my years of writing and other documents, files, programs, saved stuff, etc. and found that I had over seventy items with viruses…

To make a long story longer, I spent yesterday, Friday afternoon at his Lab. “yea-ing” and “nay-ing” which items I was willing to live without, that he could be delet VS. those I could not afford to sacrifice.

He agreed to bring the unit safe for me to take with me and do some catch-up work such as this over the weekend and return it on next Monday for completion. This will include a new anti-virus program, a back-up system, and another memory bar or two, if needed…

The most amazing thing is that, to offset a very anxious week during which I (as a total computer “moron”, as I irreverently refer to myself at times) forced myself to trust that Koc Lay would be able to retain all my important data after deleting the viruses, while not understanding what magic he was doing…

It was as scary as submitting to the surgeon’s knife for an operation after being pronounced ridden with a wide variety of lethal cancers, tumors and other scourges.

On that positive note :o), I wish you a Happy weekend and moi Good Luck! And now, I shall get our next post ready for you!


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