Tuesday, June 24, 2008

12 Food Additives to Avoid

From our Friend and Health Guardian Dr. Mercola...here is some vital information:

Including something new in a food isn’t always a good idea, especially when it comes to your health. Here are 12 additives to subtract from your diet:

(Please understand these are not my assessments, but those by MSN Health and Fitness. My comments and recommendations are in my comment below.)

1. Sodium Nitrate (also called Sodium Nitrite)

This is a preservative, coloring, and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish, and corned beef. Studies have linked eating it to various types of cancer.

2. BHA and BHT

Butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydrozyttoluene are used to preserve common household foods. They are found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. They are oxidants, which form potentially cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.

3. Propyl Gallate

Another preservative, often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT. It is sometimes found in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum. Animals studies have suggested that it could be linked to cancer.

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG is an amino acid used as a flavor enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, and restaurant food. It can cause headaches and nausea, and animal studies link it to damaged nerve cells in the brains of infant mice.

5. Trans Fats

Trans fats are proven to cause heart disease. Restaurant food, especially fast food chains, often serve foods laden with trans fats.

6. Aspartame

Aspartame, also known by the brand names Nutrasweet and Equal, is a sweetener found in so-called diet foods such as low-calorie desserts, gelatins, drink mixes, and soft drinks. It may cause cancer or neurological problems, such as dizziness or hallucinations.

7. Acesulfame-K

This is a relatively new artificial sweetener found in baked goods, chewing gum, and gelatin desserts. There is a general concern that testing on this product has been scant, and some studies show the additive may cause cancer in rats.

8. Food Colorings: Blue 1, 2; Red 3; Green 3; Yellow 6

Five food colorings still on the market are linked with cancer in animal testing. Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages, candy, baked goods and pet food, have been linked to cancer in mice. Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy, and baked goods, has been shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats. Green 3, added to candy and beverages, has been linked to bladder cancer. The widely used yellow 6, added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candy, has been linked to tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney.

9. Olestra

Olestra, a synthetic fat found in some potato chip brands, can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and gas. Olestra also inhibits healthy vitamin absorption from fat-soluble carotenoids that are found in fruits and vegetables.

10. Potassium Bromate

Potassium bromate is used as an additive to increase volume in some white flour, breads, and rolls. It is known to cause cancer in animals, and even small amounts in bread can create a risk for humans.

11. White Sugar

Watch out for foods with added sugars, such as baked goods, cereals, crackers, sauces and many other processed foods. It is unsafe for your health, and promotes bad nutrition.

12. Sodium Chloride

A dash of sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, can bring flavor to your meal. But too much salt can be dangerous for your health, leading to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.

MSN Health and Fitness

Thursday, June 19, 2008

...And from the U.K., Poll: Moms should know if kids are obese

LONDON (UPI) -- The vast majority of Brits agree parents should be informed by the government if their children become seriously overweight, a survey indicates.

Nearly nine out of 10 people said parents need to be made aware of their children's height and weight if they participate in the Child Measurement Program, a poll conducted by the MPG media agency indicates.

Hundreds of families were questioned in the survey, The Times of London reported Saturday.

More than 70 percent of people said federal officials should dismiss proposed legislation permitting parents to chose not to be informed of their child's measurements.

Since 2006, youths ages 6-11 have participated in a government program in which they are measured and weighed in an effort to combat child obesity.

Parents have not been made aware of the measurements in the past, but a new law could give them the option of being informed, the Times said.

Copyright 2008 by United Press International

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Child Obesity (Concluded)

JK: "A recent article in USA TODAY reminded us that 20 years ago, cookies topped the list of snacks, followed by fruits. Today, fruits top the list. Cookies are still present on the list, but even our school systems are turning to healthier snacks."

"Kids consume about 50% of their daily calories while at school... away from home and out of your control. You HAVE to establish rules and standards at home!"

"The USA TODAT piece suggests that the paradigm is shifting a bit...there's still a lot of junk foods in our kids' environment, but for more and more parents, the "default food" is some kind of fruit."

KN: "Fruits and vegetables are more expensive than cookies and, in poorer areas, you see less fruits and vegetables...Which is why, in New York City, we are sending produce carts to under-accessed areas...making these items more available and affordable ...helps people eat healthy...

To get kids to move more, reduce sitting and limiting TV...even computer games to ONE hour... If parents will take the responsibility of being a good role model and eat at a table in a room where there is no TV, it will be easier to train the children to follow suit...

If you don't eat excessive amounts of sweets and ice cream...have at least half your plate filled with vegetables (and the rest scattered throughout the day)...if you model proper healthy behaviors, you soon will see your kids improve."

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's (and Mother's) Day "Special": Child Obesity.

A couple of days ago, I viewed and transposed an eye-opener of an interview by NANCY MORALES on MSNBC-TV's "Today".

She quizzed a couple of real mavens on the state of the Health, Well-being and problems of the youth and families of America. In particular, (over)weight, precarious nutrition and other significant "amber flashing lights" of avoidable behavioral and attitudinal patterns: the culprits in the spreading (no pun intended) obesity epidemic.

This week, Time Magazine's front cover page featured "Super-Sized Kids", complete with a self-explanatory illustration. Its Senior Science Editor, JEFFREY KLUGER was one of the two interviewees. KATHY NONAS (New York City's Director of Physical Activities) was the other.

JK: 1 out of 3 kids in the U.S. is obese; 7 out of 10 kids are likely are likely to grow up as overweight adults; 8 out of 10 kids are likely to become obese...
"As The U.S. Surgeon General, STEVEN GALSON, told me a couple of weeks ago" said Kluger, "ZERO % out of 10 abnormally obese kids will be normal adults!"

"Another alarming statistic is that the same weight-related illnesses as normally affect middle-aged obese people are beginning to show up in adolescents as young as 15: diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol...and 90% of overweight or obese children already have at least one of several avoidable risk factors for heart disease, such as high cholesterol.", added Mr. Kluger.

"Other factors affecting the overweight-obesity puzzle are: geography, ethnicity, education and income levels", added Kathy Nonas.

For instance, 30% of white children are overweight or obese as compared to 35% African-American and 38% Latino...In L.A., the 10 richest Counties have an 8% obesity level in kids, whereas the 10 poorest have 32%.

KN advice to all parents: "Statistical research has shown that only 32% of all parents of overweight-obese children recognize that fact (the rest apparently are in a state of denial), and only 12% of Doctors are willing to talk about it to parents..."

"The first step in acknowledging existing problems and weight-related dangers is for parents to realize that what they need to do for their children's health also applies to them as living examples, role models to their youngsters...Next is not to blame themselves but to TAKE ACTION by defending against an obesifying environment and CREATE HEALTHY BEHAVIORS. Such as establishing a habit of consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables...reducing sugars, soft drinks and TV watching (especially NEVER while eating)...and taking your kids to the Park or dancing with them in bad weather..."

(Continued in our next Post)


Your Friend,


Friday, June 13, 2008

Losing weight in virtual reality

Created Jun 13 2008 - 9:18am

Some researchers believe that watching yourself lose weight in virtual reality may help you shed pounds in the real world. In this video from NBC-TV's The Today Show, one reporter visits scientists at Stanford University to find out if donning a pair of virtual goggles and seeing herself lose weight will motivate her to exercise more in her daily life.

Jacques' remarks:

I warched the video and it was intriguing to observe a $20,000.00 pair of bulky goggles you wear over you eyes, looking like Sci.-Fi. headwear...or those night vision "binoculars" we have all seen in mystery films, worn by a killer who shut off the lights to keep his targeted victim petrified...or even expensive aids, again for night vision or heat sensing detection, recently introduced to our military front line combattants...

There is no doubt about science and technology's endless seeming capabilities. In this instance, by viewing an elaborate "clone" of yourself, but sporting your weight goal shape and size, while you exercise...the visualization which you are experiencing can or will stimulate you to a high(er) level of motivation for continuing or increasing your exercise regimen...

The "Avatar" of yourself, constantly looked at, desired, inspiring, encouraging, giving you hope that your present physique can and will soon be that excitingly attractive in "real life", all this imagery stimulus can indeed positively affect your Attitude which, in turn, can encourage you to "eat right", exercise and do whatever else will culminate in your becoming and owning the enviable ultimate goal you are watching constantly, keeping it at all times at the front of your mind.

Although I don't know if , should you have $20,000.00 to order such a "virtual reality reflexion of you", you could actually get Stanford University's Professor Jeffrey Belensen (I believe is his name) and team of students build you such a headgear...

What I do know for a fact is that the S.L.I.M. For Life Weight Maintenance System I developed, perfected and successfully tested on what turned out to be thousands of happy, attractive indivuals with apparently lasting ongoing end results and improved health benefits, and more...can and does achieve the remarkable feats being experimented with at Stanford U.

Best of all, without the exorbitant cost factor of the fascinating virtual apparatus, totally "natural", free of any possible negative side-effects, and with you in total charge, instinctively being guided in what, when, how much to consume, yet without any formal diet(ing), drugs, pills, risky medical interventions or other costly fad diet plans that do not work in the long run.

I could not help myself...just had to remind and reassure you that true, safe, permanent help will soon be made available to you and millions of overweight individuals around the globe, with the advent of our forthcoming Website!...so, keep reading this Blog for further updates.

Meanwhile, I wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy Father's Day weekend!

Your Friends always,


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chew This to Turn Off the Munchies

You could crush that 3 p.m. cookie craving just by chewing a little of this: gum.

That's right. A study found that chewing gum can really put the kibosh on your afternoon appetite in a big way.

Countering the Snack Attack

People who chew either sweetened or sugar-free gum after lunch feel full longer, have fewer hunger pangs, have fewer cravings for sweets, and eat fewer afternoon snacks -- compared with people who don't chew gum. (Check out this additional tasty way to eat less, not more.)

Tickled Taste Buds Signal "Full"

How does chomping gum suppress hunger? It's simple. When you eat, your taste buds are stimulated by the food. But the cool thing is that exposure to the tastes and smells of food also lessens how good it tastes. That, in turn, is one of the cues that signal your brain that you're full, so cravings go away. Chewing gum may have this same effect -- but without all the calories! (Discover why skipping meals increases cravings for the wrong foods.)

Courtesy: RealAge Newsletter

Monday, June 09, 2008

Special Announcement...

Hi all!

I have not been able to enter frequent posts lately.

The reason is that a team of technical mavens are in the process of finalizing our first Website as well as a Blog which, I am told, will go on the internet in a more visible form than this one has---therefore attract more attention, be of service to more people who seek and need what I have to offer, get comments---in short: join the dynamics of the "Information Super-Highway".

Besides the "homework" they are giving me to do in order to help them with data necessary for the completion of the websites, I shall continue to add posts to this Blog, so: please Keep On Reading!

Of course, I shall keep you abreast of any changes, new links, addresses and other updates as they occur. :o)

All the Best to you and yours from

Your Friend.
