Friday, August 29, 2008

Eat and Drink Yourself into Flat Abs (Concl.)

Booze it and lose it!

Could drinking possibly help you keep your middle little? Several studies suggest that light drinking, compared to teetotaling, protects against weight gain around the waistline in women. Data reviewed by the National Center for Health Statistics points to one 4-ounce glass of wine most days as the best bet.

The key to boozing and losing is the less is more philosophy. While one glass has great health benefits, having more is just going to add inches to your waist and cause you to think you're funnier, smarter and better looking than you really are. The only 6-pack you should be having is the one under your shirt.

Me and Fatty McGee:

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. There's a difference between good and bad fats. Eating good fats like monounsaturated and omega-3s make it easier to stay slim, according to recent research.

"The healthy fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are found in fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado, while the bad fats, like saturated and trans are found in butter, shortening, pre-packaged cakes and cookies," Ryan says.

A Wake Forest University study found that over a 6-year period, participants whose only source of fat was trans fats gained 30 percent more fat in their abdominal region and had early signs of diabetes. You don't have to fear fats if you know which are good and bad.

Exercise and follow these simple guidelines and you'll be on your way to an abs-olutely amazing midsection!

Shawn McKee graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a BA in Journalism and has written for The Broward and Miami New Times

Wishing you and yours a safe, happy and fun-filled Labor Day Weekend!
Your Friend Always.



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