Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Simple Way to Lose Weight

To start you on the road to a Happy, Healthy 2009, the following is sent to you Courtesy: RealAge Newsletter.

If dinner feels like a race against the clock, then consider this a speeding ticket from the food police.

Quickly plowing through your meals until your meter hits "full" can easily lead to extra pounds. (Maybe it already has.)

Rush-Hour Power

In a recent study, two factors were strong predictors of weight gain. The first, no surprise, was how much people ate. The second? How quickly they ate. Speedy eaters in the study who typically noshed until they felt full were 3 times more likely to be overweight than people who ate at a more leisurely pace. Speed demons also consistently consume more calories overall.

Meals in the Moment

Here are a few tricks to help you slow down and enjoy your meals more:

Keep distractions to a minimum so you can focus on your food.

Serve small portions. You can have seconds or eat more later if you’re hungry again.

Stay tuned in to each bite. Here’s what we mean by that.
Take a couple of sips of water between bites. (Could you be thirsty, not hungry?)
Give yourself plenty of time to feel full. It may take 20 minutes for your satisfied stomach to send a signal to your brain.

Aim for three-quarters full instead of stuffed.
What’s your New Year’s resolution? Whether you’re trying to lose a little or a lot, the RealAge New Year, New You Center has tracking tools, tips, and motivational advice to help you reach your weight loss goals. Sign up!

RealAge Benefit: Maintaining a constant desirable weight can make your RealAge 6 years younger.

References Published on 01/01/2009.

The joint impact on being overweight of self reported behaviours of eating quickly and eating until full: cross sectional survey. Maruyama, K. et al., BMJ 2008 Oct 21;337:a2002.

Here are some ideas to help you eat slower and lose faster:
Make portion control easy with the Meal Measure.
Put down your fork or spoon after each bite -- and don’t pick it up again until after you swallow.
Make smaller dishes to start with


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