Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Comparing apples with apples... (Day Three)

5- Learn to trust implicitly and develop Unconditional Confidence in your own "Inner Voice", which is that of your "Higher Self". Listen to the Timeless Knowledge of the ages, of the Ether… "Go with It"… surrender yourself to it completely in full trust and "blind faith". This process is comparable to "Reborn Christians" surrendering their Life to Jesus...

As a scientist, the more I study and learn about the physiology of the human brain, and more particularly the workings of the subconscious "right brain", the more I am convinced that Whoever or Whatever "God" is: He/She/It has deposited a seed of Him/Her/ It Self into our Powerful Subconscious brain cells, to do with as we see fit. With NO restrictions.

Thus, these "God-given Powers" can be used to perform virtual miracles in our lives and the lives of others, for the Good or for the Bad. WE are in control...And, yes! part of these awesome abilities CAN cure even "terminal" illnesses and diseases or choose to hurt, damage , even kill ourselves, either by free will or by sustained negative thoughts, feelings and intentions. This is one of the awesome abilities I teach my "graduates" to use for strictly positive, constructive and uplifting purposes.

Later on, I'll be sharing with you illustrations of some amazing events where I was privileged to help patients of mine - diagnosed to have "terminal cancers" - terminate them permanently. That's right: complete cures, not temporary remissions!... And so, will you now label me the Terminator No. Two? :o)

What's more: I was also given to perform such "miracles" on myself. The most dramatic one was when a set of tomographic X-Rays clearly indicated that I had a goose-egg-sized tumor on my right lung, was told by my top specialist that I needed to "go into major surgery within three weeks or less...or it could could spread and kill me". This took place on a Thursday, and Dr. S. wanted me in the O/R the following Monday. I asked for "a few more days to straighten out some personal matters".

Having successfully helped many others, I believed it was time to practice the old adage, "Healer, Heal ThySelf!". I decided to write and record a deep Modulation that I used to "put me under" three times a daily: first thing in the morning and at bed time, while in that pre-sleep "twighlight", and I'd also isolate myself in mid-day.

On the morning of the thirteenth day, I awoke and, for the first time in weeks, could deep breathe again (the pain of the tumor had been causing me to shallow-breathe)...I went in to get a "quick" X-Ray of my right lung. The Radiologist, whom I knew, was astounded to find that not only was the tumor gone, but heavy tar deposits from my "3-packs-per-day smoking days" that showed on the Tomography set of exposures, also were gone! He called my Doctor a "Genius" for achieving such an unprecedented feat without resorting to removing extensive lung tissue, or even the entire lung, as he understood was my Specialist's prognosis.

I had already successfully side-stepped one basic rule (have an X-Ray taken without the Physician's written prescription, which I claimed I inadvertently left home). From the proverbial finger, I went for the entire arm and asked the Radiologist to hand me the whole set of tomography pictures along with that morning's X-Ray. He reluctantly complied, indicating that these would need to be returned after my visit to the Physician's office, where I was headed.

When I showed up there without an appointment, Dr. S. thought that I came in to make arrangements for the surgery. Upon being presented with the X-Rays and viewing the "X-Ray du jour" dated that same day, the puzzled Doctor asked what was going on?

After devulging what I had done, leading to this happy (for moi! :o)) conclusion (for him, I would have had to refinance my home + expect to pay about $30,000.00 on top of my insurance coverage!:)...I simply asked him for a written statement on his letterhead about this "odd situation", stipulating that, less than two weeks earlier, in consultation with two colleagues, it was agreed that I had a cancerous tumor which was now GONE!

Since I was, then, the State of California's President of my Clinical Hypnotherapists' Asociation, as a fellow-healer, I believed that, as a professional courtesy, he would have gladly obliged. He did not, rationalizing that, "after all, until we remove the tumor and have it analyzed...it could have been benign, or even an inflammation!". Yet, when, on that Thursday, he unhesitently insisted that he and his consultants agreed that I had the "Big C"!

Bottom line: I never returned the X-Rays to the Lab. and propose to use them to present scientific evidence at a future seminar on the subject of my own "Mind over Matter" experiences, techniques and track record.

It is one thing to verbalize such dramatic autogenic "Miracles". And a rare opportunity to be able to present physical proof of the irrrefutable veracity of all the statements and claims I wholeheartedly make and practice about the utter magnificence and awesome capabilities of that "Gift from God" which we call the Subconscious Brain! ...and This Is Definitely So! (More tomorrow).