Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...(Day Four)

Coming back to the our examination of of your "weight management" concerns...

Can you remember all the situations when you said to yourself you would do anything to get rid of your fastly growing pounds of fat? Happily, now, no big price needs to be paid. With our earth-shaking pounds-melting techniques, you can achieve naturally a health, wellness lifestyle and the slender figure of your dreams!

Obesity kills more and more people every year. We know you hate the extra pounds, the unflatering appearance and the social stigmata attached to fat people. Moreover, you can barely do anything about the addiction to high-fat and sugary temptations. Does this all sound familiar? Then we have Good News for you!

Our S.L.I.M. For Life (c) Modulations help your brain understand you don't need that much food. They improve your mood, give you energy and attack obesity. They also motivate you, even if you tend to be rather lethargic, to actually feel like getting off the couch and start a doable exercise program... all thanks to the powerful autogenic stimuli of our comprehensive system!

You will soon find that "for some strange reason" many foods labeled "junk","fast" and other fatty, fattening ones... sweets, sodas, dishes that you have voraciously, customarily been downing out of sheer nervous habit, driven by feelings of frustration or revenge... are mysteriously beginning to gradually lose their glitter and attractive charms... leaving you "cold" and uninterested now (like taking a second hard look at a friend or mate in whom you lost interest...asking yourself, "What on earth did I ever see in him/her?").

And, once you non-consciously lose your cravings, your interest, your attraction and your needs for your former "obsessive" foods and beverages, the rest is simple, as you will see!...

7- At mealtimes, once you instinctively stop eating, after having consumed less...far less than has been your "routine"... you may even become totally "turned off" to many present "addictions" which your subconscious brain’s pool of timeless, Universal Knowledge and Wisdom factually recognizes and identifies as being the culprits for your excess fat, weight and inches.

The best part of it is that : ALL this takes place totally by itself automatically, WITHOUT any further need on your part to agonize over the "How, How Much and When to’s!", Day And Night!

8- You now experience being pleasantly full, satiated, NO LONGER uncomfortbaly "overstuffed", which used to be the norm. Without any discomfort, without feeling like a victim or a martyr, you find yourself guiltlessly (and a bit proudly) and gladly leaving food on your plate, possibly for the first time ever, or in ages. Rather, you feel good about it. And, if you are "into" not wasting good food, (if you are eating out) you can always "doggy bag" the leftovers, or (at home) safely package and refrigerate or freeze them for another occasion.

9- You also find that you are starting to eat more slowly, non-neurotically, not avidly, voraciously, hurriedly, desperately gobbling down your food and drink as if you just heard on the news that enemy forces have landed and "this may be your last chance to eat for a while" :o)

You notice yourself placing smaller amounts of food on your fork and into your mouth than you used to before. You chew more thoroughly and, generally, adopt more "civilized, educated and cultured" table more calmly, leisurely, relaxed, and enjoy so doing since you now also savor each bite, every mouthful of your meals! (It is generally known that the voracious style of eating "comes with the territory" of over-eaters. If you are the exception to the rule, please accept my apologies.) :o)...
(More manana)