Thursday, May 31, 2007

To Err Is Human, To Forgive, Divine

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

'Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.'--Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is a sequel to my post dated 4/12/2007 on "Forgiveness". It can be used for the start of any new period or season of the year. And an effective way to help patch up bruised relationships... especially when heartfelt on your part...

"As this year (or any other occasion) is about to end and the new is fast approaching...

…remembering that forgiveness and letting go of old hurt feelings helps create better mental and physical Health…

…In the spirit of the season..and to help re-establish some semblance of Peace and Harmony in this gone insane World..

..this is to propose that we call a ‘truce’ in our petty conflict and silly grudges…declare an ‘amnesty’ on both your and my actual, exaggerated or imagined past offenses…let them go...

...and start (the New Year, or...) with a New, Clean, Happy, Positive, Slate of unconditional... warm...sincere...supportive... fun...honest Friendship…

...Acknowledging that neither of us is perfect..that ‘to err is human and to forgive, divine’.....finding that the best policy is to "live and let live"...

...I, for one, would welcome with no reservations such a ‘New Start’ relationship which, having learned from – thus does not repeat - the unpleasant… but one in which we treat each other with genuine mutual courtesy... consideration and respect... to enjoy our communications and personal visits in a relaxed manner... with no need to ‘walk on eggshells’...:o)…

A call or Email to let me know your own feelings and thoughts on this sincere invitation will be welcomed with open arms and mind (and a promise of NO nagging or recriminations now or ever!)…

...And, whatever your decision, I want you to know that I continue to support and appreciate your friendship and all you did to help me in the past!

Wishing you and yours a (Merry Christmas, or other occasion) with warm hugs, I remain,

Your (loving, etc.) Friend Always,


Of course, you may make any adjustments to the above "template", to best suit your particular situation. With Best wishes from Your Friend,


'Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past.'
(Landrum Bolling)

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