Monday, March 31, 2008


Want to lose weight? Instead of reaching for that candy bar, reach for a new thought. According to Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., director of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in suburban Philadelphia and author of The Beck Diet Solution, controlling the way you think is essential for losing weight and keeping it off.

You need to learn what to say to yourself when you are craving food and eating for emotional reasons,” she says. “You also need to learn how to motivate yourself and respond constructively to self-sabotaging thoughts.” The key, according to Beck, is to use techniques from cognitive therapy.

The premise of cognitive therapy is that the way you think about things influences both how you feel and what you do: Change your thoughts, and you can change the associated feelings and actions. Applied to weight loss, the approach helps you identify thoughts that may steer you away from a healthy eating plan. You can reduce your fears of failing, your resentment at having to go on a diet at all, and your impulse to chip away at your nutritional plan--one crumb at a time.

Thought Changers

Step One
On an index card, list the reasons why you want to lose weight. Be specific. Maybe you want to be less self-conscious or healthier—or fit into that little black dress for a party.

Step Two
Once you write down your reasons, read them every day first thing in the morning and carry the card with you. Glance at it throughout the day to prevent a “slip.” This way, when confronted with that chocolate-chip cookie, you’ll be able to focus on why you want to lose weight.

Step Three
Put motivating sentences and phrases on index cards: “It’s not okay to eat this. I’m going to be very sorry if I do” or “Being thinner is SO much more important to me than eating this food.”
These cards help you remember why you want to lose weight and help make that more important than satisfying a craving,” says Beck.


One of the most important things any dieter can do is to identify self-sabotaging thoughts. These can appear in several forms, including that old favorite, self-justification—which leads you to tell yourself, “It’s okay to eat this, because I’m hungry [or tired, or sad, or happy].”

Another form of self-sabotage involves thinking about the “fairness issue,” as when you tell yourself, “It’s not fair that I should have to restrict my eating—other people don’t have to!” Yet another form involves self-discouraging thoughts: “This is too hard,” or “This will never work!”

You can’t stop self-sabotaging thoughts from coming up,” says Beck. “But when you’re tempted to eat something you hadn’t planned, you have the chance to intervene. You can learn to recognize the underlying thought that is prompting you to eat and then respond constructively to it.”

That’s where the index cards come into play, she says: “They help you change your thinking at a crucial moment, so you can make a different decision.”

Self-sabotaging thoughts can also get in the way of exercise—an essential part of any weight-loss plan. When that happens, you may tell yourself, “I’m too busy. I’m too tired. I’ll do it later.”

What you have to do in such a case, says Beck, “is say to yourself, ‘I’m going to fit the rest of my life around diet and exercise, instead of vice versa.’ It doesn’t work to take your already busy life and fit diet and exercise around it. You have to make them a priority.”

People with diabetes can work with their diabetes educator, nutritionist or doctor to establish an eating plan that helps keep glucose in control while promoting weight loss.

Dealing With Cravings

Cravings are insistent, seemingly overwhelming—even obsessive—thoughts that urge you to eat. But they will actually pass if you can buy yourself the time to let that happen. The first thing to do is to label the sensation. Say aloud, “This is a craving. It is not a command.”

Then you can use your index cards to help with this,” says Beck. “Write a list of distractions on index cards, such as writing e-mails, surfing the web, taking a walk, calling a friend, polishing your nails. Refer to them to help you remember to distract yourself. You may have to do up to five activities for the craving to pass, but usually it takes only one or two. And it’s incredibly empowering to discover that you don’t have to give in to cravings. Remember, cravings pass—one hundred percent of the time.”

Not giving in to your craving also strengthens your “resistance muscle.” Most dieters have told themselves, “It doesn’t matter if I have these cookie crumbs.” But it does matter. Says Beck: “It’s not the calories, it’s the habit. Every single time you eat something you hadn’t planned to, you’re strengthening your ‘giving-in muscle’ and it’s more likely that you’ll give in the next time. On the plus side, every time you refrain from eating food you hadn’t planned to, you’re strengthening your ‘resistance muscle’ and it’s more likely you won’t give in the next time.”

The Benefits

Shedding even a few pounds can offer big benefits for overall health. And for those at risk of developing diabetes, the benefits are immediate and significant. Studies have shown that losing even a small percentage of body weight reduces the incidence of diabetes-related complications (such as heart disease, kidney disease and nerve damage) and makes control of glucose levels far, far easier.

Finally, Beck wants you to know that learning to think positive, constructive thoughts provides you with powerful medicine for the whole person. Right away, you will notice how an improved attitude helps you act positively and makes you feel good when you do. That’s a twofer: Taking these positive steps benefits both the body and the spirit.

What’s For Dinner?

Planning ahead protects you from the erosions, big and small, that can sabotage a weight-loss regimen.

The Beck Institute’s Judith S. Beck suggests planning meals a day ahead: “In order to lose weight, you need to get into the habit of eating exactly what you’ve planned. When you do it on a regular basis, it becomes a habit.”

There seems to be no limit to the number of rationalizations your mind can come up with to get you to break your promises to yourself. Preplanning meals helps reduce the power of such self-defeating thoughts. Another helpful weight-loss trick involving meals: Always eat slowly and mindfully, while sitting down. “This simple step has helped many people lose weight,” Beck says.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

12 Great Binge Busters!

By Dr. Susan Mendelsohn
eDiets Psychologist
Updated: June 6, 2006
So often we judge ourselves based on our physical self. This means we are judging ourselves according to our height, weight, body proportions, smile, posture, nails, breasts, hair texture, appetite, and so on.

We must learn to accept those things about ourselves that we cannot change. When we dwell on those aspects we don’t like, we breed negative thinking. This means we are setting ourselves up for failure, either through self-starvation or bingeing. When we learn to accept ourselves for the attributes we possess instead of fighting them all the way, we stop wasting energy on something we cannot change.

When we think about ourselves, it is important to see the big picture. YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR PHYSICAL BEING. YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT THE SCALE SAYS!

This preoccupation with negative perceptions and the number on the scale is what typically sets most people up for eating disturbances. Begin thinking of yourself as the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual, psychological, assertive, career person that you truly are. All of these aspects determine who you are, not just your physical self, and especially not the scale!

When looking at your physical self, you must include looking into your lifestyle -- your health and eating habits, not just your weight in pounds. You must understand that some of your physical self IS a result of genetics, and cannot be changed no matter how hard you try. You must accept this and work on those things that you CAN change.

In order to prevent a possible eating disorder, or even a lifetime of ups and downs, your goals should include a lifestyle of eating that you can follow for the rest of your life, not just on a temporary basis. If you’ve been on a lot of “diets” before, you know the pain of yo-yoing, and you know that “diets” don’t work in the long run.

You must learn to incorporate not only the nutritional components into your program but the emotional aspects that drive you to overeat. The food plan alone will only frustrate you. When used in combination with emotional healing and physical fitness, this holistic approach will help prevent eating disorders and other food-related difficulties.

You want to choose a lifestyle of eating that you can continue for the rest of your life. Most people cannot be on a restrictive diet forever. Depriving yourself of your wants is just another way of setting yourself up for a binge. I have listed below some general tips for healthier living.

1. Structure your eating to include three meals a day with two or three snacks in between. The more you structure yourself, the less likely you will be to binge and the less obsessed you will become with food. Eating the small snacks between meals will increase your metabolism and keep your blood sugar levels balanced, thus allowing you to function at optimal levels throughout your day.

2. Limit the fat you consume.

3. Do not use drugs and alcohol. These will only increase your desire for high fat foods.

4. Read labels on the food products you consume. The American Heart Association recommends that you get no more than 30 percent of your total calories from fat.

5. Avoid trigger foods. These are foods that when you eat a little they make you crave a lot more. Be aware of which foods are emotional
triggers for you. Once you gain this insight, you can learn ways to manage those emotions in the absence of food.

6. Think of “plenty” rather than deprivation. Know that you are choosing a healthy lifestyle rather than a deprivation of eating. The more you think you are depriving yourself, the easier it is to binge. Deprivation and
punishment is NOT the way to lose weight. Food is abundant and plentiful. It will be there when you need it to fuel your body.

7. Be AWARE of what you are eating. Many people eat while watching TV, driving a car, talking on the phone, working at the computer and so on. When you are conscious of your intake, you will eat less, savor it more, and enjoy the process, rather than inhaling your food. Allow yourself to eat only at the dining table.

8. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals makes you believe that at your next meal you can eat twice as much because you have been “good.” This is a
surefire way to set yourself up for a binge. The hunger that you feel after skipping a meal or snack sets you up to eat more and eat faster. Eating frequently takes less control than not allowing yourself to eat. As a result, you don’t lose control and you most likely will not binge.

9. Once a binge has occurred, take note as to what caused it. ---

10. During a binge, try to be aware that you are binging and make an attempt to stop after you become aware of your behavior.

11. Once you recognize why you are binging, take steps to prevent a binge in the first place.

12. Plan ahead about how you will feel eating certain foods works. Visualize how you will feel by refusing those foods. The visualization is preparation for the future.
You must remember that changing thoughts, feelings and behaviors takes time. Work through this process slowly. Success is a journey, not a destination! Enjoy the ride.

.Dr. Susan Mendelsohn is a licensed psychologist who works with a variety of addictions and specializes in managing eating disorders. In addition to teaching and maintaining a private practice, she counsels eDiets members online. Got a question for the doctor? Feel free to email her at .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gut Bacteria Mix Predicts Obesity

The types of bacteria in a baby’s gut may determine their risk of being overweight or obese later in life, according to Finnish researchers.

After analyzing fecal samples from 49 infants, 25 of whom were overweight or obese by the age of 7, they found that babies with high numbers of bifidobacteria and low numbers of Staphylococcus aureus appeared to be protected from excess weight gain.

On average, the bifidobacteria counts taken at 6 months and 12 months were twice as high in healthy weight children than in those who became overweight, while S. Aureus levels were lower.

The researchers suggested that S. aureus may cause low-grade inflammation in your body, which could contribute to obesity. Further, the findings may help explain why breast-fed babies are at a lower risk of obesity, as bifidobacteria flourish in the guts of breast-fed babies.

Yahoo News March 7, 2008
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition March 2008, Vol. 87, No. 3, 534-538

Courtesy: Dr.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Tiny steps...BIG RESULTS! (Conclusion)

"They starve themselves at breakfast and lunch," she says. "This is the behavior pattern of someone with an eating disorder. They don't eat for as long as they can or eat almost nothing. They eat a light breakfast and a light lunch, but then they overeat at dinner. That leads to bingeing. When they get home or get to a restaurant, they can't stop eating. You can't exist that way and you don't have to."

Mistake two: seeking instant weight loss. Tallmadge points out that effective dieting takes time. Just as sure as the pounds didn't appear overnight, they aren't going to vanish like magic.

But by following her many common sense solutions, you will lose weight over time and it can be accomplished with very little effort.

"My tips are individualized ways to shed pounds and they are going to fit in with anybody," Tallmadge says. "Everyone can find something in my book that works for them.
"For instance, a person who drinks two glasses of wine with dinner may decide to cut back to just one glass of wine. This person could lose up to 15 pounds a year with just that change.

"Another person might be in the habit of eating three little cookies a night. If he or she cut down to one cookie a night that change alone could results in losing several pounds a year. This works effectively. Most people could live with that little change."

Diet Simple puts 154 proven tips at your fingertips. Tallmadge suggests you pick and use the tricks that work best with your lifestyle.

"Everybody has his or her own idiosyncratic ways," she says. "At eDiets, there are so many support groups to fit the different types of people. Diet Simple is very similar in that everyone has his or her own quirks.

"For some people it's that evening snack. For other people, maybe the first thing they do when they come home from work is go straight to the refrigerator to get some cheese and crackers."

Here is a sampling of 10 proven tips:

1. Read the fine print! When you're dining out, you can lose 10 pounds per year by choosing a "light" entree, such as grilled chicken and salad. Those healthy choices can have at least 250 calories less than traditional meat dishes.

2. The sundae solution! Pour a tablespoon of chocolate over fresh fruit and your total calorie intake for this snack is 110 to 160 calories compared to the 250 calories found in a candy bar or the 500 calories found in an ice cream cone.

3. Set your alarm! Even a modest amount of exercise -- walking 15 minutes, 5 times a week - -- burns calories.

4. Pedal while you prattle! Next time you're chatting on the phone, get on your bike. Pedaling on a stationary bike at 10 miles an hour for 25 minutes burns 100 calories. A faster pace of 17 miles per hour for 15 minutes also burns 100 calories. Get spinning.

5. Beware the burger blast! A half-pound of grilled hamburger meat has about 800 calories. The same amount of lean roast beef has half this amount.

6. Cooking with spray! Each tablespoon of butter or margarine has 100 calories. Substitute a vegetable oil spray for one tablespoon.

7. Join the snack committee! Healthful snacks make an incredible difference. Swapping a serving of fruit for the usual supercookie each week will save you at last 500 calories. And you'll probably save 1,000 calories since few of us stop at one cookie!

8. The Happy Hour trap! Suppose you avoid three happy hours a month. You could possibly lose up to 31 pounds in a year (if you are usually somewhat of a party animal).

9. The secret is plastics! When you use plastic containers to store meals -- especially batch meals you prepare ahead of time -- you'll forgo all those calories that come from lunches at greasy spoon dinners.

10. Slash corporate calories! Office-prepared dinners, a frozen dinner or frozen leftovers, will easily have 400 fewer calories than restaurant meals. If you work late an average of three times a week, this change alone will help you lose about 18 pounds a year.

(Courtesy: Glee Magazine, a eDiets publication)

Hope your Easter was Great!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tiny steps... BIG RESULTS! (Part One)

That's a motto taken to heart by nutritionist Katherine Tallmadge, author of the easy-to-digest book Diet Simple (Lifeline Press). Tallmadge knows that if you're like most people, you believe there is no easy solution to your weight woes.

Far too many of us think we've dug a hole too deep to ever get out of. In fact, we've come to accept the "fact" that we'll go to our graves lugging behind our extra baggage.

We brainwash ourselves to believe that healthy eating, exercise and water are for the birds. We want a quick weight-loss fix or nothing at all. We tell ourselves losing weight takes lots of time and effort -- and time is something we just don't have. Right?

Tallmadge's take on this defeatist state of mind: bull-oney! Focus for a moment on Tallmadge, whose latest offering in the fickle world of weight loss is a stand out.

Diet Simple serves up 154 mental tricks, substitutions, habits and inspirations. Each and every one can be used in accordance with your eDiets plan.

Tallmadge empathizes with folks who've been battling the bulge for what seems like a lifetime. She's been there, done that and has the emotional scars of an eating disorder to prove it!

It's a textbook case of, "if I knew then, what I know now..." For starters, Tallmadge has learned that losing those extra pounds can be as easy as choosing salmon over prime rib (a step that alone saves you 150 calories) or taking a scalding hot-to-icy cold shower when those unbearable cravings start (saving you the 250 to 300 calories a binge would have cost).

"It's about small, easy changes which add up to produce the most satisfying lasting results," Tallmadge tells eDiets. "What I was doing -- what every other person out there does -- was following rigid, depressing diets that you can't stick to because they're too restrictive or too low in calories".

"They cut out major food groups and that completely reduces all your energy and vitality. I think that's why it's so hard for people. I completely commiserate and understand people thinking it's too hard because the way they're going about it is wrong.
"I see a lot of bright, educated, conscientious people and even they have a hard time knowing what to do. They are happy people when they find out it's not so hard

The Washington, D.C., nutritionist is an equal-opportunity myth destroyer. Since 1983, she's worked with thousands of clients -- everyone from congressmen, to senators to Joe Public.

Thanks to her book, Tallmadge can now spread her proven weight-loss techniques to millions more.

Over the last two decades, she has identified the mistakes and behaviors that set us up for diet failure. A major boo-boo: failing to eat several balanced meals throughout the day.

(To Be Continued)
Courtesy: Glee Magazine, an eDiets publication.
Wishing You and yours a HAPPY, HEALTHY, SAFE EASTER!
Your Friend,

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Special St. Patrick's Day Greeting!

Remember that "Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's
Day"!---regardless of Nationality, Religious beliefs
or ancestry!

So: ENJOY! Love,


> His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while
> trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from
> a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog.
> There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified
> boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer
> Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow
> and terrifying death.
> The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the
> Scotsman's sparse surroundings An elegantly dressed
> nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the
> father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
> 'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my
> son's life.'
> No, I can't accept payment for what I
> did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer.
> At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of
> the family hovel.
> 'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.
> 'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.
> 'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level
> of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is
> anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a
> man we both will be proud of.' And that he did.
> Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and
> in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical
> School in London, and went on to become known throughout
> the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the
> discoverer of Penicillin.
> Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved
> from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.
> What saved his life this time? Penicillin.
> The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His
> son's name?
> Sir Winston Churchill.
> Someone once said: What goes around comes around.
> Work like you don't need the money.
> Love like you've never been hurt.
> Dance like nobody's watching.
> Sing like nobody's listening.
> Live like it's Heaven on Earth.
> It's National Friendship Week. Send this to
> everyone you consider A FRIEND.
> Pass this on, and brighten someone's day.
> AN IRISH FRIENDSHIP WISH: You had better send
> this back!! Good Luck!
> May there always be work for your hands to do;
> May your purse always hold a coin or two;
> May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
> May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
> May the hand of a friend always be near you;
> May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
> OK, this is what you have to do... Send this to all of
> your friends.
> Now.....Make A wish!! I hope you made your wish!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Feast for Your Eyes

(Brought to you, Courtesy: RealAge)

You know how to protect your eyes from the outside in: Wear shades to shield against UV rays, and cover your eyes whenever you see oncoming projectiles, be they bugs or baseballs.

Now here's how to protect them from the inside out: Get plenty of lutein, vitamin C, and glutathione. Read on for how much you need of each.

Vision Quest

Protecting your eyes from aging just got easier, thanks to these recommendations from RealAge experts Mehmet Oz, MD, and Michael Roizen, MD:

You can take it in supplement form at 6 to 30 milligrams daily. Or find it in corn and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C:
People who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (which contain vitamin C and other bioflavonoids) are less likely to develop eye conditions.

A daily 500-milligram supplement may help you avoid cataracts. Or find glutathione in eggs, garlic, avocados, asparagus, and onions.

A Clear-View Cocktail
The docs recommend this combo if you already have age-related macular degeneration: 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, 15 milligrams of beta carotene, 30 milligrams of zinc, and 2 milligrams of copper -- every day, in divided doses.

RealAge Benefit: Patrolling your health can make your RealAge as much as 12 years younger.

See Ya soon! :o)


Monday, March 10, 2008

Peanuts OK for Your Waist

High-Calorie Snack That’s OK for Your Waist

If you love nuts as much as a backyard squirrel does, but you're caught up by your calorie-counting conscience, relax. And read on . . .

Peanuts may be one high-calorie treat that doesn’t do serious damage to your weight or your waistline.

Say Hi to Mr. Peanut

In a recent small study where people were given a daily snack of peanuts,researchers were surprised to find that no one’s weight changed significantly after many weeks, despite the extra calories. Why? Seems peanuts fill you up (thanks to the fiber, protein, and healthy monounsaturated fats) but don't necessarily fatten you up, because the fat and calories in the nuts aren't completely absorbed by your gut. Now, if only Girl Scout cookies worked the same way. (Here's something else peanuts can do for you.)

Lost in Digestion

More good news about peanuts: We may burn off the fats in them better than we burn off the fats in potato chips or cookies. Our bodies break down the monounsaturated fats in peanuts and convert them into energy more easily than saturated fats. (Here's another kind of oil that can help you burn fat better.)

So go ahead -- unleash your inner squirrel. Just limit your daily dips in the peanut dish to 1-ounce servings (about 30 peanuts). They’re not made of air, after all.

Can peanuts be addictive? Find out here.
RealAge Benefit: Eating a low-fat diet -- and eating healthful unsaturated fats when you do eat fat -- can make your RealAge as much as 6 years younger.

References Published on 03/10/2008.
Effects of chronic peanut consumption on energy balance and hedonics. Alper, C. M., Mattes, R. D., International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 2002 Aug;26(8):1129-1137.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

6 Foods That Fix Bad Breath

(Coutesy of "Real Age")...

Last night, the tacos smothered in onions were great. But this morning, your breath could fell a sumo wrestler.

What to do? When your breath has turned toxic because of smelly foods -- usually garlic, onions, or curry, but fish and cheese can do a number, too -- you need an air freshener for your mouth. And you need it often: every 30 to 60 minutes until the odorous offender has cleared out of your bloodstream, which can sometimes take up to 24 hours. Because brushing constantly is impossible, try countering breath-busting foods with what's likely to be handiest: other foods.

1. Lemons. Suck on a lemon wedge, or nibble on the rind -- easy to do in restaurants, where there's often a citrus garnish; if not, you can order sparkling water with lemon. For other times, lemon-flavored hard candies work just as well, and they’re totally portable. (Yeah! but what about those scary reports in the media about bacteria-laden lemon peels? - Jacques' note).

2. Parsley and other green garnishes. When your favorite garlic-laden pasta dish or onion-topped burger arrives with a few sprigs of parsley on the side, consider it a hint, not just a colorful trim. Chewing on the sprigs releases parsley's pleasant, breath-freshening oils. Garnishes of fresh basil and rosemary work, too.

3. Apples and other crisp, fresh foods (firm pears, carrots, jicama). They're high in fiber, and all that chewing bumps up saliva production -- the combo acts like a scrubbing rinse for your mouth. Sweet.

4. Crunchy spices. For a more exotic solution, pick up some anise, cardamom, coriander, and fennel seeds, available in the spice aisle of most grocery stores. Mix equal parts in a small covered bowl, and keep it on the dining room table next to the salt and pepper. Chewing on a few seeds will release enough oil to sweeten after-dinner curry or coffee breath. And your mouth will taste amazing.(To whom?--another note by Jacques) :o)

5. Mint sprigs or cinnamon sticks. Either of these deliciously potent flavors will squelch the sulfurous scent of onion and garlic. Plus, an essential oil in cinnamon kills a nasty type of oral bacteria, discouraging it from setting up house in your mouth. Cinnamon or mint gum is just as effective. If you pick a gum sweetened with xylitol, it will freshen breath and help reduce cavities --smart, if you're a gum lover. Bonus: Regular oral care can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger.

6. Berries and yogurt. If you can't get through most days without indulging in foods that are less than breath-friendly, eat for prevention, which is even better than a cure. Consuming half a cup of plain, sugar-free yogurt twice a day can lower mouth levels of hydrogen sulfide (yes, that rotten egg smell). Berries (and melons, oranges, and other fruits high in vitamin C) also deter stinky mouth bacteria. Start and end each day with a cup of fruit topped with a big dollop of yogurt and you might never have to worry about bad breath again.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sexy Celebrity Leg Secrets!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sexy Celebrity Leg Secrets!
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"She's got legs, she knows how to use them." -- ZZ Top

There is certainly no shortage of leggy ladies in Hollywood, but gorgeous gams always come with a price. Believe it or not, those stunning stems you see out on the red carpet are not simply the product of luck or favorable genes. Celebrities work hard to sculpt their lovely limbs through a combination of strength training, cardio and a healthy diet. So who’s currently got a leg up on the competition, and how'd they do it?

According to an In Touch magazine poll, Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Simpson and Tina Turner come out on top of the leg list. Stefani and Turner also made the list of "the sexiest legs in show business" provided by the British tabloid The Sun, along with such popular celebrities as Beyonce, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

Gwen Stefani's key to success is… well, getting sweaty. She likes exercises that get her blood pumping, like jumping rope, using her elliptical trainer and strength training, which she just rediscovered.

Gwen makes it look easy to have great legs, but she has to work hard, just like everyone else. She loves pizza but explains, "If I want to eat pizza, I do, but then if I want to wear cute clothes, I don't. I have to get into these clothes, so I exercise outside, such as hiking, and work out with a trainer."

Multitalented celebrities like Stefani have to keep in great shape for their live shows and photo shoots, but when transitioning into film, they often have to increase the intensity to look the part. Jessica Simpson worked hard with a personal trainer for six months to get her scene-stealing stems in the Dukes of Hazzard.

This bubbly blonde has always had a nice physique, but for her role as Daisy Duke, she had to tone and shape her legs and butt. Simpson had to do justice to the famous Daisy Dukes that ushered in a new era in short shorts. The actress used personal trainer Mike Alexander, who not only developed and chaperoned her workouts, but also sat with her through every meal. The only bread Simpson ate was wheat, and she abstained from sugar and fried foods.

The workout regimen that Alexander tailored for the Southern starlet consisted of 20-30 minutes of cardio and 45-60 minutes of resistance training, five or six days a week. He explains that squats have to be one of the biggest metabolism-boosting exercises there are. The two main exercises in Simpson’s routine were squats (2-3 sets of 20 reps) and lunges (each leg: 2-3 sets of 12 reps).

Alexander recommends trying squats to raise your bottom and sculpt your thighs:

"Stand with your feet approximately two feet apart. Then turn your feet outwards, keeping them in line with your knees. Hold your arms out in front of you and slowly lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Keep your bottom tucked underneath you and your stomach pulled in. Hold this position for three seconds before slowly standing back up. Do 20 repetitions."

Though Cameron Diaz is no stranger to healthy eating, the star admits that she wasn't a convert to exercise until after she landed her big role in the Charlie's Angels movie.

"Before Charlie's Angels, I never exercised. Not a day. I always associated it with pain and discomfort -- something you do if you have to," Cameron told Self magazine. "Then, for the movie, we worked out eight hours a day, five days a week for three months, and I learned what it felt like to be strong."

Though she no longer works out eight hours a day, Diaz's current exercise regimen includes cardiovascular exercise on the elliptical trainer, light weight lifting and Pilates. According to, one of Cameron's favorite exercises for developing great legs is the reverse lunge. And, these days, she enjoys breaking a sweat!

"I love being physical. I love sweating. I love getting my heart rate up. I love challenging myself. Physically, I can do pretty much anything I put my mind to, and I like that feeling," Cameron says.

If you want to get legs like a Hollywood diva, our Chief Fitness Pro Raphael Calzadilla can help you get a leg up on the competition.

"Many women think they can spot reduce," Raphael notes. "They want to get their legs and hips slimmer. They think there are some magical exercises that can do that. Leg exercises strengthen the muscles and tighten them. But unless total body fat is reduced, combined with a cardio program, it’s not going to work."

While cardio works wonders in burning fat, it's the muscle-building exercises that really hold the power to achieving results. Generally, you should do three days a week

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Take this QUIZ about Your Nutrition IQ

Thursday, February 28, 2008

National Nutrition Month is a great time to focus our attention on the importance of making smart food choices and practice healthy eating habits. On that note, it's time for a reality check on nutrition.

I'm often surprised by the food and diet hype that's out there in the media, on television and in magazines. Some of it is close to the truth and some is so far from veracity that it's unconscionable, in my opinion. Sometimes it's hard to tell hype from truth. Test your Nutrition IQ with this quick quiz.

1. Unless you eat organic, you're taking chances with your health.
2. Sugar makes kids hyperactive.
3. Fat-free cookies have less calories than the regular version.
4. Eggs are high in fat, so you need to limit to only three to four per week.
5. Brown sugar is a healthier sweetener than white sugar.
6. High-potency vitamins are better than a multi-vitamin.
7. You must not eat protein and carbohydrates in the same meal.
8. Eating before bed causes weight gain.
9. Drinking liquids with your meal decreases nutrition absorption.
10. Grapes have more carbs than other fruit.

1. Unless you eat organic, you're taking chances with your health -- FALSE
While organic foods are a healthy choice, if you don't buy organic food it doesn't mean you're taking chances. Organic food does not contain different amounts of nutrition than non-organic and all food is inspected by the FDA and USDA for safety. Even organic fruits and vegetables should be washed well before eating -- the same goes for meats and fish. Take common-sense precautions such as safe handling of raw meat and fish. Organic food can cost double the price of regular, but I'd recommend organic meat, poultry and eggs, raised without additives in their feed, or antibiotics or steroids administered, and are certainly healthier.

2. Sugar makes kids hyperactive -- FALSE
The National Institutes of Health cites research that shows neither link between sugar and hyperactivity nor any link between food additives and colors and behavior. In fact, one study shows a decrease in activity after a high-sugar snack or meal. Scientists theorize that behavior is a result of interactivity between parents or caregivers and children. An occasional sweet treat is a normal part of growing up, but make it occasional and special.

3. Fat-free cookies have less calories than the regular version -- FALSE
Fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Fat-free cookies often have higher amounts of sugar added to replace the texture and volume lost by removing fat, and may contain the same or even more calories than the original. Read the portion size of one serving, and then how many calories per serving, and compare the fat-free cookie with the regular for an accurate reading.

4. Eggs are high in fat, so you need to limit to only three to four per week -- FALSE
Eggs are relatively low in fat and saturated fat; a large egg contains only approximately 5 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of it saturated, and 2.5 unsaturated. The American Heart Association recommends preparing eggs without added saturated fat or trans-fat, (butter or margarine).

5. Brown sugar is a healthier sweetener than white sugar -- FALSE
Most brown sugar is just white sugar, either colored with or with molasses added. While molasses has slight nutritional value (iron), it's insignificant. White sugar, brown, honey, concentrated fruit juice, high fructose corn syrup, or cane juice -- there are many ways to say sugar. Sugar is essentially the simplest form of carbohydrates, and should be used sparingly.

6. High-potency vitamins are better than a multi-vitamin -- FALSE
Experts say that "high potency" are unnecessary unless you're diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency, and in doses higher than the Recommended Daily Allowance, some vitamins may actually be harmful. Nutrients are carried throughout the body in the bloodstream and are used as needed, and excess is excreted. Unless you suffer from a medical condition that must be treated with supplementation, stay healthy by eating a varied and balanced diet to maintain vitamin and mineral stores that can last for weeks or even years, depending on the nutrient involved.

7. You must not eat protein and carbohydrates in the same meal -- FALSE
Eat a balanced diet and allow your body to function as it's supposed to. Your body is a digestive machine that releases the enzymes necessary, depending upon what you eat. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth -- protein needs teeth to grind it, but the digestive juices in the stomach begin the process, and fat needs enzymes in the small intestine to digest.

8. Eating before bed causes weight gain -- FALSE
If you're eating what you need to maintain your weight, it really doesn't matter when you eat it... as long as you're not eating more than you need. We don't recommend you eat a large meal just prior to bed, because it may not be digested easily when lying down! A small snack is best, such as a glass of milk or cocoa, and a piece of fruit. Stay within your daily meal plan's parameters to avoid weight gain.

9. Drinking liquids with your meal decreases nutrition absorption -- FALSE
Drinking liquids with your meals is a matter of preference, not nutrition. If you're trying to lose weight, a large glass of water between meals can help control hunger pains, and drinking before your meal can take the edge off your appetite.

10. Grapes have more carbs than other fruit -- FALSE
The serving size of fruits is relative to their volume, so if you're going to eat a lot of grapes you'll be taking in a lot of carbs. But, a serving of grapes is about 15 small green grapes, or about three ounces; 1/2 of a grapefruit has about 15 grams of carbohydrates, as does a small apple, a 1/4 cup of applesauce, or 3/4 cup of blueberries.

Nutritionist Susan L. Burke is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, and a Certified Diabetes Educator who specializes in both general and diabetes-related weight management.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Speed Up Your Fat Loss!

By Raphael Calzadilla, BA, CPT, ACE
Glee Contributor
Updated: Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." (Benjamin Disraeli)

Have you been trying to lose body fat, but find it comes off at a snail's pace? Tired of losing a pound a month as you exercise and diet your brains out? If you're working out with efficiency and maintaining a slight caloric deficit, you can actually lose up to 1.5 pounds per week. Here's some metabolism-boosting tips that should help ignite some good, steady fat loss.

1. Increase your meal frequency. Eat more often, but don't increase your total calories. For example, if you eat three times per day, break those three meals into five to six smaller meals and eat every three hours. Food can actually help burn body fat when it's used strategically. If you break your meals into smaller feedings it helps to control blood sugar -- and puts you in a better position to lose fat.

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2. Break up your workout. With family responsibilities, work, financial pressures, etc., the thought of exercise is an extra stress for many people. However, research has proven that two short bouts of exercise per day will actually stimulate the metabolism more than one longer bout. Go for a brisk 15-minute walk first thing in the morning before work and then another one at lunch time. Do this five days per week and I know you'll see progress at the end of 30 days.

3. Eat breakfast. I always stress to my clients to think of the body from the inside-out. The human body's main goal is survival. If it senses any type of emergency, it will do everything in its power to keep you alive. If you sleep through the night and then deprive the body of food in the morning, what do you think the body is sensing at this point? It senses a potential famine and then holds onto stored body fat to keep you alive. Remember, calories from food represent heat. Use the heat to rev your metabolism.

4. Cycle calories. This is a technique I've used on several clients with amazing success. For three days, consume your minimum calorie requirement based on your height, weight and goals. Then, on day number four, increase your calories by an additional 400 (nutritious foods only). For example, if you're losing fat by consuming 1,200 calories per day, simply raise your calories to 1,600 on day number four. This technique can actually get the metabolism racing and stimulate additional fat loss. Just remember that the additional calories come from good sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats -- not pizza.

5. Drinks lots of water. Muscles and other tissues are made up of approximately 80-percent water. If you limit your water intake, the body will retain water and make you feel like the "queen or king of bloat." It doesn't take much for this to happen -- the body only needs to be dehydrated by approximately 2 percent for this to take place. Drink 0.55 multiplied by your body weight in ounces of water per day. Staying hydrated will release some excess water trapped in the body and most likely reduce your weight by a few pounds.

6. Exercise in the morning. If you can fit it into your schedule, exercise in the morning. People who exercise consistently in the morning find that exercise at this time regulates their appetite all day long. They don't get as hungry and they start the day with a boost to the metabolism.

7. Perform cardio interval training. Cardio interval training is simply short bursts of high-intensity exercise combined with more moderate intensity within the same workout. Studies have shown that people who perform interval training twice a week (in addition to two other days of lower intensity cardio) lose twice as much weight as those who do just a moderate cardio workout. You can easily incorporate interval training into your workout by inserting a 45-second burst into your stationary bike workout every four to five minutes. Your body will be working harder and will be forced to burn more calories.

8. Boost your metabolism by reading instead of watching TV. Researchers at Memphis State University monitored 32 girls as they watched a half-hour television program. They found the metabolic rates dropped as much as 16-percent below resting metabolic rate. In other words, they burned fewer calories watching TV than they did just by reading!

9. Drink green tea. Green tea has numerous health benefits, including weight loss. It appears to increase the amount of calories the body burns -- not necessarily because of the small amounts of caffeine it contains, but due to a compound abbreviated as EGCG. When purchasing green tea make sure the label states that the green tea used is standardized for caffeine and EGCG.

10. Practice hydrotherapy. First thing in the morning, drink 32 ounces of very cold water on an empty stomach. Don't eat breakfast for at least 30 minutes. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature, thereby stimulating your metabolism and excreting any excess water. You may find that you lose two pounds the first month you try this. If you want to take it a step further, do the same thing at lunch.

Try several of these easy-to-use tips and start getting your fat burning metabolism revved.

A drug-free competitive bodybuilder and winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, Raphael Calzadilla is a veteran of the health-and-fitness industry. He specializes in a holistic approach to body transformation, nutrition programs and personal training. He earned his B.A. in communications from Southern Connecticut State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX. In addition, he successfully completed the RTS1 program based on biomechanics