Monday, September 01, 2008

Hypnotherapy helps San Francisco man drop 110 lbs. in 14 months

"Hypnosis can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, help you quit smoking...but What about WEIGHT LOSS?...can it possibly work for THAT?" was the headline of a short item on NBC-TV, San Diego news last night.

The answer was then reported when the newscaster announced that a San Francisco man, Michael Casey, stated that he shed 102 lbs. in 14 months with the help of a local Hypnotherapist. He only underwent six 90 minute sessions.

Casey's Hypnotherapist says that she reached his sub-conscious mind to help him change some of his thoughts and beliefs about food. And she says: "you can actually go to the root-cause of those emotions which are linked to over-eating or eating unhealthy foods. And you can neutralize those emotions."

Some dieticians question whether it can work for most people and they say that the people it does work for are so determined they might lose the weight without it.


As do many other skeptics and "Experts" in nutrition and dieting such as the ones quoted above, who find success stories like that above threatening... to plant seeds of doubt and dropping discrediting snide remarks has been a favorite defense weapon for years.

As the California State's President of my Clinical Hypnotherapists' Association, I had ample occasions to face and prove such smear campaigns unfair and ludicrous.

But that was almost a quarter of a century ago. Today, more and more Physicians, such as one of my own, are cautiously beginning to acknowledge and endorse ethical hypnosis as an allied field of alternative and effective medecine.

And the Doctor who discovered my aggressive colon tumor about a year ago recently wrote me a self-explanatory letter in which he clearly states that "...on evaluation and your repeat colonoscopy on 04/15/2008, your CEA blood test which is done to monitor spread of disease, was negative...This is a very good result..."

He then mentioned that "...I suspect that your working with your hypnotherapy and positive suggestion may be helping in this situation..."

A few years ago, a similar event produced resistance on the part of a known Physician who felt uncomfortable endorsing or even considering giving credit to the "possibility" that what he naively compared to magic tricks or palm reading may have contributed to another cancer's total eradication. :o)

In hopes that you and yours are enjoying a safe and pleasant Labor Day weekend, I wish you all the benefits afforded by clinical Hypnotherapy!

Your Friends Always,



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