Saturday, March 24, 2007

A quick course by Jacques Girard, Ph.D.: "About my writing and public speaking style and techniques."

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." -- (Edward R. Murrow, Journalist)

Although I studied, practiced and successfully mastered the "Art and Science" of Speaking ("Public" and within the area of conducting Seminars, Trainings, private consultations and the like) and writing my own researched materials and manuals, nevertheless I never got around to taking "formal" writing courses.

An excellent and "convenient" reason for this was "handed me" by a prominent Public personality who urged me not to learn the merchanics of professional writing,stating that he found my style, humor, timing, wit ( and many other flattering compliments ), dynamically displayed during the live Seminars I was conducting in person, so unique and refreshing that, to use "the mechanics: learned tricks, techniques, etc." would tend to water down "the charming essence of Jacques Girard, and represent a sad loss of individuality, thus: credibility"

He further insisted that, to be and sound like myself : real, transparent, honest, straight from the shoulder, real, sincere, "down to earth" with no regard to "diplomacy" ( which he agreed with my critique that the latter is but the first cousin of "hypocrisy": telling "them" what they want or prefer to hear rather than the true facts and what you truly feel and think ) was what had most impressed him.

He also praised the obvious conscientiousness with which I research, double-check, verify and test the authenticity of my facts, statements and results, so that I may feel confident that I only share reliable, dependable and helpful truisms.

He expressed with enthusiasm that, for me to " write exactly as I speak " may, at first, appear a bit unusual to the readers, but, as soon as they become familiar with my "style", they should soon become comfortable with it, relax and enjoy it.

Since he was not the only notable person to offer such complimentary remarks, I felt flattered and encouraged to "go for it": being 100% "myself", non-egotistically, and eager to share the Best, the essence of all I have painstakingly learned and gleaned over decades of study and practice.

First of all, let me tell you that I may appear to, or actually, "talk—talk—talk".
Another trait people have observed is that I/ my mind may (appear to) wander.
The latter are part of my "style". You will find that, although I periodically get off track, it is intentional, planned, for an important, ultimate, "bigger" purpose, and I always return to exactly where I left off ( before I so rudely interrupted myself ) and go on from there...:o)

The advantage being that I will have "filled in", explained, clarified points and issues which, otherwise, could easily have confused or left you in doubt, as would all cliff-hangers.

I have, over the years, spent enormous amounts of time on thorough, in-depth research and efforts to selectively coin words, sentences, even developed a vocabulary of my own, to supplement existing verbiage, which I will be sharing with you.

It is composed of words with, and for, specific purposes...also known as "word/ images", destined to produce within the subconscious regions of your brain "mini- explosions" of thoughts, ideas, pictures, visualizations enhanced by your own Imagination.(Albert Enstein had this framed expression hanging on the wall of his office, behind his desk: "Imagination is more powerful than Knowledge").

If this quick descriptive is not yet totally clear, please don’t be concerned. As we progress, please trust that any momentary "fog" will soon dissipate!

These word/images, of which I just spoke, are subtly included and intentionally positioned within my sentences to create subliminal images, pictures (still and moving), scenes, symbolisms and, more importantly, beneficial results.

It is a known scientific fact that the latter comprise "the preferred language" of the sub-conscious brain cells and networks of the "memory bank" and other essential subliminal regions that affect and drive our ongoing moment-by-moment, daily living experiences.

Thus: by addressing them in a tongue with which they are most familiar and "at home", rather than mere "words", tends to act as a short-cut between conscious or wilfull intentions, commands, instructions, goals and other messages we send into the subconscious...which, in turn, launches the desired responses and actions.

Better still: if word/images are used as dynamic triggers, as will be illustrated below, since the sub-conscious never sleeps nor ever gets tired (as opposed to the conscious part of the brain), this process will work for you day and night, even as you deeply sleep! (Contiunued tomorrow)...