Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Comparing apples with apples..(Day Five)

10- …And the pounds of fatty flab come off…and the pounds come off…Every Second of Every Minute of Every Hour of Every Day and Night (YES! Even as you peacefully and restfully sleep deeply with the help of your S.L.I.M. For Life © nighttime Modulation audiotape or CD)…Most importantly: without any loss of lean muscle mass or bone density!...Only your ugly, unhealthy, unwanted and certainly unneeded excess fat and inches melt away, while your energy levels, overall wellness, vitality, sexuality and happy moods gradually increase...

And let’s not forget your perked up improved good looks!...After which, you maintain this wonderful state of your ideal weight, shape, measurements and well-being…All your previous excess fatty deposits and bulk are constantly being kept in check autogenically by your Powerful Subconscious "National Guard" day and night!…You Feel and Are Beautful…inside/out!

The great Aristotle wrote that "Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference" a couple of thousand years ago (384-322 B.C.) in the days when attractive Greek women...Godesses and Gods started making history and still are… And now, you too can join the Inner Circle of the privileged modern "Beautiful People: the Gods and Godesses of society"…

11- WE never "bad-mouth", prohibit, limit, restrict, render you guilty about any kinds of foods or beverages, directly or by inference in any part of our Trainings!...

You never again shall need to consciously think, plan, concern yourself with any form of agonizing privation "dieting", calorie counting or other traumatic taboos!.. From the time you start learning and practicing our amazing, simple, totally safe techniques...far more natural than "health foods or herbal remedies".

Your Powerful..All-knowing Subconscious Brain cells will automatically take over those bothersome but most important responsibilities for you!

All YOU need to do is learn to trust your Higher Self and its totally accurate "Inner Voice messages" custom-designed by you..exclusively for you ! ’LISTEN to, and comply with the instinctive feelings ("messages") you will be receiving ...without any strain, and LET your life become simple, free, healthy, fun, happy and fulfilled!

12- We invite you and/or any qualified Health Professional of your choice to listen to your S.L.I.M. For Life (c) recorded casette tape or CD in your waking state. Pay special attention to the exact language used to effectuate your desired beneficial results. Verify, ascertain and satisfy yourself that our lastingly effective methods are strictly "above-board", utterly safe, positive, constructive, simple, strictly ethical and highly professional.

13- Your all-Powerful "Inner Knowledge and Wisdom Center": your own "Ether" will gently, firmly and clearly let you know (silently, yet, "in no uncertain terms") when your body will have received sufficient nourishment and alimentary benefits from the precise foods and drinks "it" will autogenically (Self-induced and controlled) inspire you to truly "Feel Like" having (Never "driven" by that super-neurotic "Monster" whose destructive weapons are the effects and ravages of those stressful hunger pangs and cravings). Your prior unhealthy, emotional cravings have been converted into healthy physical, "true" hunger pangs.

13- Furthermore, your subconscious-originated instincts will signal you when your true, physical (no longer anxious) hunger will have been satisfied... leaving you feeling great, comfortable, satiated, knowing that your system has absorbed, assimilated and metabolized all the proper nutrients essential for you to gradually become S.L.I.M. For Life © ! ( To be concluded tomorrow )